Spirithys: it's fine ig also I was right you're literally falling in love with everyone like chill

Breadb00: fr tho

Spirithys: shut up bitch you can't be talking because you literally fall in love with everyone too🙄🙄🙄


Georgecantwalk: um I don't see anything wrong with that but I have to go now, bye!

Spirithys: ha! You really thought that they were going to get mad at me you really are stupid!!

Breadb00: stfu I'm leaving you're so annoying🙄

Spirithys: you're just mad!

I putted my phone away *damn this teacher really is blind I've literally used my phone for 10 minutes and still haven't noticed me using my phone.* I giggled a little bit at my comment but then looked at the new kid *hm they look similar to me.. if only I listened to what they said*

I keep seeing the new kid looking at me, *creep... we'll I can't actually be talking since I'm literally a simp for looser000Hollow if only we met up.. the things I would let them do to me or what I would do to them...." I was drooling at the thought of that, but quickly thought of something else.

"George!" The teacher yelled "Hm oh yea .. what did you say I didn't hear." I said "If you did pay attention then you would know what I said anyways what is __________?" "Oh um it's _____" *She really had to say that!?* I groaned in annoyance, that's when I heard a sound like someone else groaned.

I looked to my right to see the new kid- *WAIT WHAT MACK- what are they doing here wtf!?!?!?*

I was so confused but happy that they were the new kid because that means that I have somebody to talk to! I mean it's not like I don't have friends, it's just that the "friends" that I have right now talk behind my back. And act like I can't hear them,idiots they have to whisper more quietly if they don't want me to hear them, but I don't care since we're all going to hell anyways.

I got paper and tore it apart so I can get a little piece of paper, I got my pencil and began to write. 'Hey sexy' I wrote in the piece of paper and gave it to Mack.

I looked at Mack and saw that they were laughing, They looked like they were writing something back.

Mack gave me the note back to smiling.

I opened the note and read what Mack wrote 'You're so flirty, I saw you drooling what were you thinking about?' I bit my lips.

I heard the bell rang which means that class is over. *Finally*

I packed my stuff up and left class, waiting for Mack outside of the class.

"Hey!" Mack said "Hello! It's lunch right now so you can get something to eat from the cafeteria if you want, I'm not going to eat anything." I said to Mack.

-nobody's POV-

Mack gave George a worried look, George seemed to notice the look and said "Oh I'm not hungry, I've already eaten." George said with a smile trying to convince Mack that their fine.

"Oh ok! well I'll get something to eat, I'll seat next to you." Mack said with a smile.

George sat at the table, going through their phone trying to find something interesting to do. George then took the gum out of their mouth, and throw the old one in the trash, then they got a new piece of gum and putted it in their mouth.

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