chapter 7

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Y/n and the others got to the ice cream stan and while Edmund, Lucy and y/n were grabbing the ice cream the others went to find a table,

"Over here!" James yells from a dock "holy shit" Y/n said with wide eyes "It's so pretty here" Lucy said as they all approached the table "Can we take photos? I bought my camera" Emelia says with a smile "Yes!" They all agreed except y/n cause she hated taking photos but soon enough she gave in

Their table:

"Say Cheese!" Emelia says smiling "Cheese!" They all yell 

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Say Cheese!" Emelia says smiling "Cheese!" They all yell 

The photo:

(An: just imagine there's another girl and their at the beach😭) "it's so cute! Can you take one of us girls?" Emelia says smiling also handing the camera to Peter "Uh yeah sure" he says taking the camera "WAIT- hop in these" James says running of...

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

(An: just imagine there's another girl and their at the beach😭) "it's so cute! Can you take one of us girls?" Emelia says smiling also handing the camera to Peter "Uh yeah sure" he says taking the camera "WAIT- hop in these" James says running off then coming back with trolleys/carts

Y/n and Emelia hop in one then Lucy and Susan hop in the other "Say Cheese!!" Peter says laughing "Cheese!" All the girls yell

The girls photo:

"Your guys turn!" Y/n says hoping out giggling "oh what?!" Edmund says stunned "yeah!" Y/n says grabbing his hand and putting him next to the other boys "Smile!" Emelia says "Pardon?" All the boys say "whatever! Awwh look at this" she said tapping...

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Your guys turn!" Y/n says hoping out giggling "oh what?!" Edmund says stunned "yeah!" Y/n says grabbing his hand and putting him next to the other boys "Smile!" Emelia says "Pardon?" All the boys say "whatever! Awwh look at this" she said tapping the other girls

The boys photo:

"Hahaha they look stoned" y/n says laughing "WHERE?!" Edmund says marching over "there" y/n says pointing "oh

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Hahaha they look stoned" y/n says laughing "WHERE?!" Edmund says marching over "there" y/n says pointing "oh...your right" Edmund says then continues to laugh "give us a geeze" (An: please tell me yk what 'give us a geeze' means💀) James says jogging over "Pfft- we do!" He basically screams of laughter which makes everyone else burst out laughing

After a minute of calming down Edmund asked y/n to talk "what is it Ed?" She asked taking his hand getting quite worried "Yeah no everything's alright I had a great time hanging out with you guys but..." he sighs "take your time it's ok" she says going closer to him "well I just can't stop thinking about cair paravel how everyone must be so worried about us" he says after a long pause "we can take you guys back if you guys would like? Unless yous wanna stay?" Y/n says wrapping her arms around him but she said the last part smirking "Honestly I want to stay" he says looking at her

"How come?" She says looking at Edmund "Well...I really like it here and all we do there is host a ball most nights and watch people dance it gets boring but here with you''s really fun" he says suspiciously shy "awh thank you but I'm pretty sure that's not what's all on your mind" she says noticing his expressions "well...ok I'm just going to be straight up." He says then there's a little pause "Ilikeyoueventhoughwemetonlytwodaysagoanditsfineifyoudontlikemeback" he says rapidly "oh's ok, I uhm- like you too" she says "You do?!" Edmund yells "SHHH-" y/n says waving her arms around

"Sorry" he says rubbing the back of his neck while giggling "its ok" y/n replies giggling "so uhm- y/n would you like to..." Edmund says then takes a deep breath "wouldyouliketobemygirlfriend?" He says rapidly...again "Yes!" She yells then he gives her a 'bruh- seriously?' Look "oops sorry" she says laughing then they proceed to give eachother a big hug, *flash* "what the fuck?!" Y/n says rapidly looking around "shit. shit. shit. SHIT!" She hears Emelia say out of anger from a bush "Get out of that FUCKIN BUSH EM" y/n says getting up and marching over to the bush "I-" Emelia says getting up "At least its cute" Emelia says shrugging "oh..give us a geeze" Y/n says looking at the camera

The photo:

(An: it was the only accurate one I could find🙄)

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

(An: it was the only accurate one I could find🙄)

"Ok it is cute but that doesn't give you a free pass on WHY YOU WERE SPYI- YOU HEARD DIDN'T YOU?!" Y/n says with her arms crossed "actually we all did" Caspian says standing up from another bush followed by Peter and Lucy emerging from behind some trees then James jumping down from a tree and Susan casually popping up from behinda big rock. "That's not funny" Edmund says holding in his laughter "CONGRATS BY THE WAY!" Caspian yells smiling "Thanks I guess" y/n says walking back to Edmund....

{I'm so sorry it took me a whole ass month to update but I promise I will try my best to update more often it's just that my motivation is just not the best right now bc I just my STUPID ASS 2nd vaccination and it hurts alot but I can put up with it but I love you guys and thank you putting up with this dumb book <33}

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