Tease [chapter 5]

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It had been a few days since the whole lying incident. Peter had begged for y/n's forgiveness several times. Any chance he got, he would. Unluckily for her, they sat by each other in every single class except for one. And that was gym. But either way, they still always somehow ended up partnering up. Even though the coach had stated very clearly, numerous times may I add, that he didn't want pairings to be of opposite sex.

Peter had convinced him to let y/n and himself work together. He was not really friend's with anyone but her anyways. There wasn't a point in making new ones if she always stuck by his side. Albeit, she wasn't exactly the most heartwarming, but they were friends.

Even if she refused to admit it.

Anyways, the final bell had rung. They were meant to leave and go home. But going home for her meant—

"Let's go l/n!" the Parker chirped happily with an undeniably charming smile on his face. He readjusted the strap of his canvas bag which sat on his shoulder for like the millionth time. He was nervous, so he was choosing to fiddle with something to mask that nervousness.

Snow fell lightly onto the ground. It had been flurrying since the early morning, before any normal person had been awake. Throughout the day, it started to snow just a bit harder to the point one would actually need a jacket. The stuff was sticking to the ground too. The day before, it had actually been rather warm. But of course, because that was the way nature worked, it was always warmer before it started to snow.

Peter and y/n had pre-planned their project dates. That day happened to be one of the days they'd set. They'd decided the days based on statistics. Over time, they had collected data to see what days criminals seemed to be just a bit less active. So, from those stats, they chose exactly which days had the least amount of activity.

The girl came up to his side with her nose scrunched up, "Shut up, Parker. You're being too loud."

"Sorry, sorry," Peter mumbled an apology as they started walking down the sidewalk in the direction of the house he and his aunt lived in. He still had that charming look to his face, though his smile had shrunk a little. It looked more natural on him; the way he smiled now. "So, anyways," Peter began with his usual preppy voice. "Do you want me to swing you home later?"

"Absolutely not," she sweat dropped. She'd only ever had the experience of being webbed somewhere once. All I can say is: never again.

Peter let out a chuckle. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand when he saw y/n glare at him from the side of his eyes. He faked a pout, "Do you really hate it that much? I worked really hard on perfecting my web swinging abilities just for you."

"Stop teasing me, asshole," she shoved his shoulder in annoyance.

The teenage boy continued on. He talked about anything and everything. Mostly to himself since his partner wasn't saying much. She'd pitch in with sarcastic comments though. Especially when he was telling her stories about the times when he'd made minor mistakes on patrol. They (the comments) were mostly stabbing at him for not taking better care of himself though.

"You know, you might just be the dumbest boy I've ever m—" she cut herself off with a shiver when a gust of wind blew. Her nose scrunched up as she zipped up her coat. She snuggled into the warm piece of clothing, letting up to her nose be covered.

Peter noted her behavior. He reached behind her and pulled the hood of her jacket over her head. It seemed to do some better, but he could see her hands starting to shake within her pockets. "You cold?" he asked a question he knew the very obvious answer to.

"No," she replied.

"Liar," Peter let out something in between a scoff and a laugh. And pulled off his gloves and shoved them into her line of sight. "Put these on."

"I'm not cold; I don't need them," she rejected.

Peter let out a sigh. Sometimes he loved how stubborn she was, and other times he hated it.

This was one of those times of the latter. He grabbed her arm and yanked it out of her pocket. His fingers spread out her fingers, which she'd balled up into a fist. Then he forced the glove onto her hand and put it right back in the pocket where it once was.

"There," Peter gave a satisfied nod. He dangled the other glove right in front of her face."Do you want me to help you out on the other one too?" he cooed. That asshole was teasing her again.

"Give me that," she snatched it from his hand and put the glove over hers. The gloved hand now went right back into her pocket as they made it to Peter's house.

With a victorious smile, Peter trotted his way up his drive way. The girl followed right behind him as he slipped a key out of his bag. He unlocked the door and went right on in. He waited for his partner to enter before he shut it. Peter instructed her on where to put her jacket as well as her shoes.

"Hey, Aunt May!" Peter greeted his aunt as he started heading for the stairs which were right by the entrance. "I'm in my room. I have the younger l/n over; we're working on our science project."

His aunt came into their line of sight. She was dressed like she was ready to go somewhere, "Oh, hello y/n. I was just about to head to the store." She gave a kind smile, "I guess I won't have to worry about Peter breaking things now that you're here to watch him."

"May!" Peter whined with a pout.

"Oh, hush," May scolded with an undeniable grin. Her brows furrowed lightly as she grabbed her coat from the closet and draped it over her forearm. "Behave, you two... And no sex!"

Then, in one swift motion, May opened the door and slipped through the small crack she'd made and slamming it shut. She'd managed to do all that before Peter could give back a whine of complaint, and before y/n could even process it. May was quick to get out of an embarrassing situation she made herself.

Peter's cheeks had covered in a prominent blush, "She didn't mean that." He was referring to the whole teasing bit; like Peter would ever try anything of the caliber on her. He continued to walk up the steps, hearing his partner right behind him. "At least, I don't think she did," Peter murmured. He made sure it was only for him to hear as he reached the second floor.

He led them down the rather short hall and to his room. It wasn't anything grand, much like the rest of his house. But, even if it wasn't huge, the whole house in general had a very homey feeling to it. Things might've been cluttered, but in a good way. His room was no different from the rest of the house. She'd been over only twice, but never once had she been in his room. Scratch that, on the upper level.

"Welcome to my super awesome room," Peter held a hand out and let it gesture around the whole room.

There was a pile of clothes in a corner, a dirty bin just next to them. It was like he had played a game of basketball with his clothes and managed to miss every single shot. Which, now that I'm thinking about it, probably did happen. He had shelves covered in action figures and lego buildings. A bookcase was filled with a wide variety of genres, but most of them were about science fiction and computers. His bed was made neatly, and, surprisingly, not in some sort of childish bed set print.

Everything gave a sneak peek into parts of his personality, which she already knew everything about, and how it had been shaped.

"Not bad, Parker," she squinted her eyes as she gazed around the room, soaking in every single thing about it. "Not bad..."

Peter's eyes sparkled, "Is that a compliment?" He didn't wait for an answer, "I'm going to take that as a compliment." He happily bound his way over to his bed and flopped down. "So... where do you want to start?"

"I was—" she cleared her throat as she shifted her gaze to the floor. She could feel her face heat up, "I was hoping you might've known the answer to that question..."

"Oh?" Peter gasped, eyes widening. "Does l/n actually not know something for once?"

She looked away from the ground and turned her eyes over to the boy who sat on his own bed. They turned into a harsh glare when they caught sight of Peter's teasing smirk. He was enjoying this. Why wouldn't he be? For years, he'd been told how dumb he was by her for asking questions. And now here they were, the girl looking slightly embarrassed, without an answer to a question.

"You know what? I'm leaving."

"Wait— I'm sorry!"

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