student counselor x rule breaker

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student counselor and rule breaker au <3

italics: flirty rule breaker
normal: "oblivious(not really)" student counselor

"not so fast, pretty boy. i know you vandalized school property. for you i have detention in the library after school."

"as if i'm staying there."

"i heard that, anyways i'll have you stay with a teacher then."

"ugh, whatever."


"so, turns out none of the teachers are gonna stay to give me detention. does that mean i don't have to stay?"

"no, we'll have you stay tomorrow after school instead. if it's the case where none of the teachers can make it. but since i'm free right now, you're stuck with me for 2 hours pretty boy, no escaping now."


"we'll have so much fun studying, and don't look at me with that face. you look like you're not enjoying this."

"are you joking? i love this. we have this place all to our selves, do you know what type of things we can do?"

"yes, we can study for our next test. that'd be so much fun, unlike whatever you're thinking of. pretty boy."

"you're boring."

"thank you. i never noticed."


"so, want to come over to my house and do what we intended to do at the library? i don't live with my parents so we'd have the house all to our selves."

"well i am free after this so yes, we can study more at your house. or if you don't mind, i might eat dinner along with that. i don't know what that smirk is doing on your face though."

"that's...not...what i meant..."


"wow, this is a nice house you got, pretty boy."

" are you actually going to study in my house?"

"of course, that's the only reason i came here. and don't dare to do whatever you're thinking of doing to me, pretty boy."

"what's up with that nickname you have for me? why not calling me by my first name? i bet it'd roll off your tongue well."

"wow, you're ignoring what i said. rude. you're so annoying and i'm not going to do whatever shit you tell me to do."

"oh? where'd the pet name go? maybe you got a bit shy. don't worry, you dont have to call me by my first name but you can atleast m-"

"you know-we're just gonna ignore that last part and uh- you know i have to head home soon my parents are worri-"

"oh? well that's not what i heard. you live alone, so why not stay over? it is starting to rain pretty bad so i would recommend staying until tomorrow."

"fine. i'll stay over but i'm gonna sleep on the couch-"

"i'm kinda broke so i dont have a couch but i do have a king sized bed-"

"don't you dare- i'm sleeping on the floor."

"why not have a little fun? no pressure though, you're aura is just so alluring that i can't help myself but to get closer."

"h-huh- stop flitring! ugh! you're so annoying as always, i would've slept in the same bed but your weird comments are telling me otherwise so the floor it is."

"what happened to the 'oh i'll give you a detention right now' guy?"

"j-just because i'm like that at school doesn't mean that i'm like that normally!"

"...right. as if i'm gonna believe that."


" boy."


"baby boy. don't you like it?"

"no. i ha-"

"love it? thank you, i thought it matched my nickname from you."


"ooo, kinky. didn't know you were that type. would you like to-"

"you know i think my pet rock needs to get a bath so i should get going."

"i- i was thinking of hardcore making out but is your pet rock that important?? i don't think my baby boy should be out there with dangers waiting to attack you."
(a/n: i don't think i've ever seen the phrase 'pet rock' and 'making out' in the same sentence)

"let's just eat okay!? i'm starving since lunch and it's already 7pm!"

"...okay then. what are we going to cook, baby boy?"

"noodles? maybe ramen? depends on what you have in your pantry, pretty boy."

hehe thank you for reading :D
btw i wrote no names for them because i wanted to leave it up to your imagination:)
(i waaaassss thinking of winwin being the student counselor and yuta being the flirty one but oh well)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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