Flames and Flirtations

Start from the beginning

His expression looked shocked, "Of course, my pet. It's all for you."

I giggled again and reached out, running my fingers across the silks.

"They're so soft..."

"An omega's skin is very sensitive. I want you to have the most beautiful and comfiest clothes, my love."

I slowly tugged a soft yellow silk off its hook. The dress was long and draped gently at the bottom. I blushed and looked up at him.

"I really like this one, Sir."

He leaned down and kissed my ear before whispering, "Anything you want, my love, is yours."

I blushed, "May I get dressed, sir?"

He blinked, "Yes of course, my love. Why do you ask?"

"I...um...could you turn around, Sir?" I stutter.

Cadaver blushed bright red and turned around quickly. I disrobed and then slid the material over my head. The soft yellow fabric settled just above my ankles. I smiled.

"Could you zip me up, Sir?" I whispered, embarrassed.

Cadaver turned around slowly and his eyes widened as he saw me. I turned for him and pull my braid over my shoulder. He approached and ran a hand down the exposed skin of my back. I shivered and bit my lip. His right hand rested on my shoulder and he tugged the zipper up inch by inch, deliberately taking his time. I gritted my teeth and fisted my hands in the silk at my side. He finally zipped it all the way up and then pressed a kiss just below the nape of my neck. I groaned quietly and turned to face him, pressing my cheek against his chest. Cadaver grinned and nuzzled the top of my head.

He then stepped back and nodded back toward the armoire "Is there any jewelry you like, my little omega?"

I smiled and scanned the options. A beautiful black stone glittered on a thin silver chain. I rubbed the stone in between my two fingers and thumb. It was smooth and fiercely cold against the slight warmth of my skin.

"May I wear this one, Sir?" I smiled and looked up at him.

He seemed to freeze for a moment, a flash of an unreadable emotion flitted across his features. He undid the clasp and I turned for him. He settled it around my neck, the stone hanging in between my breasts, and then closed the clasp back. His fingers traced the breadth of my shoulders and then fell back to his sides. I turned around once again and smiled shyly.

"You're absolutely beautiful, my love." He whispered and then cleared his throat, "You must be starving by now. Let's get you something to eat."

"But what about you, Sir?"

Cadaver glanced down at his rumpled attire and carded and hand through his hair, "Ah, yes. Thank you, my little pet."

He strode across the room and yanked open a drawer on a dresser, pulling out a white renaissance style shirt and threw it over his head, yanking it down. He then grabbed a pair of black pants off the top of the dresser and pulled them on over his boxers. I blushed bright red. The pants were tight...accentuating his wonderful ass and long, muscular legs. He turned around and grinned at me. I about fainted. The front...areas were wonderfully accentuated as well. The shirt opened a little and allowed my eyes to wander over a sliver of his smooth chest.

"You look...dashing, Sir." I stammered, unable to meet his eyes.

Cadaver walked quickly back over to me, and grabbed my hand in his. He pulled me out of the room with him, glancing behind briefly with a wicked smirk that didn't exactly help my blush. That devil. He knew precisely what he was doing to me. I shook my head and tried to clear it of my desires. He made me unable to think...

We quickly approached the dining room. I heard a collection of voices chattering over the clashing and clanging of pots and pans. Cadaver's face split into a large smile.

"Breakfast time is always a busy event as you can hear." He winked at me.

I smiled back and we entered the room. Everyone was sitting at a large table, chatting and eating. Sunni and Brev were cooking food in the kitchen area. I giggled. Brev looked so focused on what he was doing and I had never imagined the man as a cook. Sunni looked up and flashed me a beaming smile.

"Good morning, my King and Carissimi." Dusty hollered over everyone.

"Good morning, Dusty." Cadaver replied, grabbing two plates from Brev and tugging me toward the head of the table. He sat his plate at the head chair and my plate on the right of him. I smiled as he pulled out my chair and sat. He pushed my chair in and then took his own seat, quickly digging into his food. I laughed and began to eat my own food. The fried eggs tasted wonderful and I made sure to tell Sunni and Brev so. Brev blushed and nodded, but Sunni thanked me. I grinned and finished off as much as I good. Rain rose and collected all the plates, carrying them to the sink. He and Brev began the dishes, and Sunni came and sat in Dusty's lap.

"Hi, baby. Thank you for making all that food." Dusty murmured and kissed her.

Sunni kissed him back and nuzzled his cheek, "Of course, Darling. Who else would cook beside Brev and me? The rest of you burn everything!"

Dusty blushed and smoothed Sunni's long black hair. I giggled and leaned over to Cadaver. He kissed my forehead.

Chesha entered the room with an air of exhaustion and anxiety about her. She held a letter in her hand, sealed in a dark purple wax with an 'I' and flames. She handed it to Cadaver and returned to her seat beside Connall. He pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back. Connall's mate, Juno pressed a kiss to Chesha's forehead and wrapped her arms around her. I looked back at Cadaver, curious about their interaction. His face was deathly pale. He ripped open the envelope and pulled out the letter. As he read, his expression became somber. I touched his shoulder and he sighed and folded the letter back up. He looked up and addressed his now silent pack.

"Prince Ignis sends his congratulations on finding my mate. He also reminds me that if I do not mate and claim her by the next full moon, that the throne is his." Cadaver's voice wavered, and he buried his head in his hands. I rose and drew him to my breast.

"Sir..." I murmured.

Cadaver looked up at me with watery eyes, "I'm so sorry, my love."

I brushed the tears from his eyes and kissed his cheek, "Oh, my King. I'm sure we can do it."

"No, you don't understand..." he whispered and more tears trickled down his cheeks.

"But...I...Sir, I'm confused?" I said, slightly panicky.

"Carissimi." Chesha's voice rang out in the quiet dining room.

I turned to her to see tears were in all the other pack mate's eyes as well, "If you rush a mating...a claiming...then it is likely that the stronger soul will consume its partner's."

My eyes widened, tears beginning to pool.

"And..." Chesha's eyes lowered, "It is very likely... that you will die."

[1] The definition of the term pulchritudinous reads as, "a person of breathtaking, heartbreaking...beauty."(http://www.vocabulary.com/)

Hello, my lovelies! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while. Here's the next chapter, at last! I hope that you all enjoy. Kisses and cuddles!

~Little Red~

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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