"Y/n, Step Away From Him."

Start from the beginning

"Yes?" He asks coming in from the kitchen.

"Where are my keys?!" I look up quick then back to searching.

"Your mother took your car, I thought she told you last night?" He says and I look up with my hands on your head.

"No! Dad I'm gonna be late!" He puts down his coffee cup and goes into the kitchen. A minute later he comes back with a bag labeled 'floo' on it.

"Just floo there, it's okay. I'll drop your car off when she's back." I take the bag and walk over to the fireplace.

"Thank you." I smile and he nods, walking past him and into the kitchen. "Diagon alley." I drop the powder and green flames surround me. When I get to the alley, the smoke starts to fade. I brush off the ash as I rush to the. As soon as I get in there's a crown, I make way through it and to the register.

"Nice of you to show up." George says taking some girls money and cashing her out.

"I know I'm really sorry." I set my things down on the shelf behind.

"It's fine, take over here." Fred steps away from his register and heads for the back. I start cashing people out, the shop practically filled. It's been so busy ever since everything got set up. I switch between helping out people around the store and being at the register until it dies down at around 4. I stick around for an hour or so after, helping restock while a couple people come in and out.

"You can head out now if you'd like, we've got it till close." George says standing behind the register again. You look around seeing only 4 or 5 people still shopping.

"Okay, thanks." I get my stuff then leave to go to a cafe with Ginny and Hermione.

"So did you ever answer Theo?" Ginny asks, opening the door and headed towards a table where Ron and Harry are sitting.

"Not yet." We sit and I smile at Ron and Harry to greet them, "Hey guys." They both nod, while eating their pastries.

"He asked you out like 3 days ago! You have to answer him at some point." Hermione says getting my attention again. Ginny look at her phone and gets up.

"I'll be right back." She leaves to answer the phone.

"If it's still about Tom, I think you should forget about that." Ron says putting his drink down after taking a sip. How did he somehow understand what we were on about?

"True." Hermione says and I look out of the window.

"Yeah yeah, I'll talk to him tonight." I reach over and take a piece of Harry's croissant and eat it. He shoots me a dirty look and I laugh while still chewing.

"I have to go, mom found out I've been using Fred's old quidditch stuff." Ginny comes back in to grab her stuff, "Can you give me a ride?" She looks to me after slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I have to get back anyways. My parents are hosting some stupid dinner." I pick up my stuff as well and get up.

"Come over afterwards." Ron says and I nod to him, as Ginny and I leave. While we walk, I look through my texts seeing my father telling me where he dropped the car off. After I drop Ginny off, I try to get into the house as quiet as I can.

"What are you doing mini moony?" Sirius asks from a doorway. I jump a bit, thinking it was my parents.

"Shh, I'm late for dinner. Mom's gonna kill me." He nods, winks, then walks back to the kitchen. Probably to distract them. I run upstairs and put on a white and black dress that's nice enough for this, fix up my makeup and hair, rushing back downstairs to the kitchen.

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