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Hinata's POV

I wake up slowly as the sun shines through the window onto my face.

I take a second to realise my surroundings.

I'm cuddling Kageyama.

What do I do?!

"Stop moving dumbass"


"you okay Hinata? Your face is red" he asked teasingly.

"I'm f-fine," I say back definitely not fine.

"What's wrong?" He asked me



"Your voice is deep," I say without thinking.

I immediately cover my bright red face in the blankets.

Kageyama lets out a small chuckle.

"Thanks" he whispers. "I'm kinda hungry, do you wanna make the bed then head down for breakfast?" He said his deep voice slowly going back to normal.

"Y-yeah," I say as I slowly untangle myself out of the bed

No One's POV

Both boys hope out of the bed and straighten blankets.

They each get dressed in some comfortable clothes the head down for breakfast.

Once they get down they each sit down and read the menu.

(Time skip after they ordered)

The food comes out and is set in front of them.

They each stared at their food then dig in.

"Hey, kags?" Hinata says with a mouth full of food.

"Mmh?" Kageyama humms to show he's listening.

"Your food looks really delicious," the small orange says while drooling by just looking at it.

"You want some?" Kageyama asks already knowing the answer.

"Yes please," Hinata says with his mouth open.

Kageyama gets the hint and scoops up some of his meal and feeds it to Hinata.

Then it hits Hinata

What did I just do!?!
And why is Kageyama face all red? Probably from embarrassment.
Sorry kags. He thought to himself.

There was a slight buzz sound coming from Kageyama phone that broke the silence.

Kageyama picks up the phone and looks at it for a few seconds.

"Who is it kags"

"The group chat, they booked out the pool for today"

"Cool!when are we going"

"In 10 minutes" kageyama said as he got up.

"Cool lets go and get ready" Hinata says bouncing on of his seat.


Sorry that took so long to update

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Bye 👋

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