Lost History | 38

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Will you risk it?

Will you use the Gnosis to save her?

Humans cannot with-stand the power of the gods.

They cannot with-stand the heavenly principals.

What if she were to suffer a more gruesome death?

What if she were to explode before your very eyes?

What if you cannot change anything?

If that were to happen, would you be prepared for the consequences then?

If I may ask again Kunikuzushi,

Will you risk it?

You could hear as water dripped down from above you, and Scaramouche breathing heavily as he ran deeper into the cave. He held you gently in his arms, making sure you didn't get hurt or feel uncomfortable while he quickly got to a safer place; away from the Tenryou commission.

Again, you had made Scaramouche worried because of you.

The time you fell off the cliff, got stab, and now. They all effected Scaramouche, and they were all cause by you. Each one of them were connected, each one of them was the reason for this very moment...

Each one of them were your greatest regret's.

"Y/n." Scaramouche finally spoked, as his pace begin to slow down before coming to a stop. Your eyelids felt like weights on your eyes, and you barely managed to open them with the little energy you had left. "Kunikuzushi," you grinned, looking up at his face.


"You disappear for one day and now you come back like this?" He gazed back at you, and you couldn't tell if he was angry, disappointed, or sad. You tried to chuckle, but coughed up more blood. Leaving your mouth with a bitter aftertaste of what seemed like iron.

Though Yoimiya had carried you here, you were beyond exhausted. Every inch of your body wanted to shut down, even part of you wanted give up. "You're so cold," Scaramouche commented, and you could feel his grip tightening.

Nothing more then the light from the other end of the cave lit the dark area you rested in. He could see your face clearly, well you could barely see him.

Scaramouche wanted to place you down, but before he could, you leaned your head onto his chest. "Can we stay like this?" you mumbled, and he paused. Without saying a word, he listened to your request as he sat down, cradling you in his arms.

Through all the years you've known Kunikizushi, you had yet to realize he didn't have a heartbeat. But you still leaned your head against his chest anyway, even if all you heard was the pulsating sound of your heart.

You stared tiredly at your right hand that rested on your stomach while struggling to stay focus. You could feel Scaramouche's hand trembling as he held you. He was scared. Terrified, even.

It was all happening so soon. He wasn't prepared yet.

"Why?" Scaramouche asked, his hat titling down as he tried to avoid looking at you. There was still so much more he wanted to say to you, still so much more time he wanted to spent with you. "—Why? You promised we'd leave Inazuma. Travel the world and get married, right?" He questioned, his voice beginning to sound frantic.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 || Scaramouche x reader ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now