Chapter 39: Goodbyes + Executuion

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It's been a week now and Marinette, Chloe, and the rest are on their way back to Paris while the Lee and Fujiwara siblings headed off to Japan and Korea and Felix back to the U.K. It was a tearful goodbye, especially between Hayami and Chloe and Juleka and Suhyun seeing as they had gotten quite close to each other. Marinette and Yu Yuan hugged each other goodbye with Marinette tell her that she would be back soon.

Felix hugged Marinette and said that he would be waiting for her in the palace. Felix groaned at the thought of how many paper works that were waiting for him right now, Marinette giggled and told him to cheer up.

When Marinette and her friends got back to Paris Marinette stayed at the Bourgeois hotel since her aunt and uncle were still in China. Lately her family from her mother's side have been secretive though she wanted to know more she knew it would be best to not get involved since she knew what her grandfather was like.

Chloe then entered her room using a master key she got from her father.

"Hey Mari!" She greeted, "Still jet lagged?"

Marinette slowly nodded, "You?"

Chloe flopped down on Marinette's bed and answered, "Very."

Chloe heard laughing, she looked up and asked, "What are you watching?"

"Oh, it's just the comments about Liela from my party." Marinette answered while laughing.

Chloe sat up, "Oh yeah your party was being broadcasted live, right?"


Chloe read through the comments with Marinette, and the two girls laughed so much that their stomach started to hurt.

Chloe then remembered why she came to Marinette's room, "Did you get your cap and gown for the graduation?"

Marinette nodded and pointed it to the box on the table. Chloe leaned on to Marinette hugging her.

"I can't believe we're about to graduate soon."

"I know how you feel, it seemed like yesterday I just moved to Françoise Dupont High and now we're about to go off to college."

Chloe nodded she took a deep breath as to not let any tears fall.

Marinette looked at Chloe and asked, "Are you and Juleka going to be okay with Nino and Nathaniel gone I kind of feel guilty that they have to be away from you guys because of their work."

Chloe shook her head, "Mari me and Juleka are fine we talked about it with them and we're willing to let them go, besides we can still do long distance but if it doesn't work out then it's fine it just means we're not meant to be, but hey we can still be friends."

Marinette looked at the girl and chuckled, "Yeah know Chloe, out of all of us I think that you've grown the most. Back then we didn't get along and you were one of the most spoiled little brat I've seen but now you are one of the most mature people I know and I'm proud of you."

Chloe hugged her and said, "Thank you but honestly I wouldn't have gone this far without you or the others."

The two girls then burst into tears still hugging and saying among the lines of "I miss you" and "I'm gonna miss you more."

Andre and Aubrey knocked on the door before entering the room. They panicked when they saw the two girls crying. When Andre asked what was wrong, they answered that they were going to miss each other.

Audrey, who wanted to be more involved in her daughter's life, laughed and said, "Chloe we have a private jet remember?"

Chloe, still crying, laughed, "Hic-oh-hic- oh yeah."

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