Leminescate (Infinity Knot): Represents eternity and the natural flow of all things, both polarity (the two bulbs) and unity. Often, it represents prima materia and the Principle of Mentalism (all the universe emanates from God), like the Ouroboros.

Labyrinth: A very old symbol of the path towards the divine, and also one's own subconscious mind. The difficult and confusing challenge of navigating the Otherworld or the Underworld, which is necessary to reach enlightenment and spiritual growth.

Mjolnir: The symbol of Thor's hammer in Norse paganism. It is an amulet of protection, strength, and rejuvenation.

Merkabah: Hebrew for "Chariot," a three-dimensional Star of David, a pyramid and inverted pyramid merged together. Represents the astral body and the ability to access higher planes of existence. It represents the faces of the Cherubim – lion (fire), ox (earth), man (water), and eagle (air). It also represents the duality of the masculine and feminine in alchemy. It is therefore a representation of alchemical union, and transmutation into the divine state. Metatron's Seal or Metatron's Cube is a two-dimensional version of it.

Om Symbol: A Hindu symbol, ॐ, representing a sound, AUM, that represents the entirety of the universe, the primordial cycle of creation and destruction, and the essence of reality. It is believed to be the first sound made in the universe, and the music of the spheres.

Ouroboros: A snake eating its own tail, representing the self-begotten, self-generative, and self-destroying nature of the universe. It also represents the Principle of Mentalism, the idea that the entire universe exists in the mind of God. It is primordial chaos and prima materia, from which all things come and to which all things return. It also represents the cyclical process of the alchemical Great Work and the repetition of solve et coagula.

Pentagram: One of the most ubiquitous occult symbols, associated with many different ideas in different contexts. In Western occultism it represents the four elements plus quintessence, and also represents equilibrium (because it divides the "perfect" ten in half). It's used as a protective amulet in grimoires. It's also the symbol for the religion of Wicca.

Planetary Symbols: Traditionally, the five planets that can be seen from the Earth with the naked eye, plus the Sun and Moon.

Sun: ☉ Represents spiritual perfection, individualization, completion, creativity, power, enlightenment, fame, luck, vitality, confidence, and happiness. In alchemy, it is considered masculine and its metal is gold. It's also a symbol of the rubedo stage.Moon: ☽ Represents transformation, emotion, protection, travel, imagination, dreams, madness, prophecy, intuition, and the subconscious mind. In alchemy, it is considered feminine and its metal is silver and quicksilver. It's also a symbol of the albedo stage.Mercury: ☿ A stylized caduceus. Represents intelligence and intellect, travel, healing, commerce, communication, memory, eloquence, divination, knowledge, and transmutation. In alchemy, it is considered androgynous, and is a symbol of the Philosopher's Stone and the entire Great Work.Venus: ♀ A stylized hand mirror. Represents love, sexuality, beauty, art, passion, peace, friendship, harmony, fertility, luxury, pleasure, generosity, and relationships. In alchemy, it is considered feminine and its metal is copper.Mars: ♂ A stylized shield and spear. Represents action, aggression, physical power, lust, conflict, victory, strength, virility, destruction, empowerment, and energy. In alchemy, it is considered masculine and its metal is iron.Jupiter: ♃ A stylized thunderbolt. Represents wisdom, justice, wealth, abundance, peace, expansion, joy, optimism, health, fame, good fortune, honor, and benevolence. In alchemy, it is considered masculine and its metal is tin.Saturn: ♄ A stylized sickle. Represents death, restriction, discipline, structure, endurance, time, frugality, longevity, stability, limitations and hindrances, binding, and banishing. In alchemy, it is considered masculine and its mental is lead. It's also a symbol of the nigredo stage.

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