Halloween (Special Chapter )

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Hyung! hyung! where's my devil costume?"

"Woi! RJ hyung don't make my costume as a table cloth!"

"Shooky what are you doing with that tissue? don't tell me you're going to use that as a costume!"

"Koya don't lie on the floor, you're blocking the way"

"Did you see my pumpkin?"

"Tata! your liquid experiment thing is acting up!"

"AAAAAAAH It's going to explode!"

Van shook his head in annoyance while I just sigh and laugh a bit, those boys are in chaos. you know why? Because 15 minutes from now the "Trick or treat" event will began and they're in a chaos while wearing their costumes.

I place the halloween theme cupcakes on the coffee table and get the basket of candies from the cabinet. Van then went to his room to put his costume.

"Mama! can I have some cupcake?" Chimmy asked and Tata also asked to have some "Just one okay?", "Why one?" they both ask.

"Because later, you boys will have lots of candies and candies contains lots of sugar. I don't want you to have sugar rush tonight because it's bad for your health and also a toothache" I explained.

"I see, okay mama!" Tata said and grins while chimmy give me a thumbs up, I pat their heads and they take the cupcakes. I also help and guide them about their costumes.

When the clock strikes 9 they cheered happily and jumping up & down non-stop.

"Finally! Trick or treat time!" Cooky yells "Let's go, let's go!" Shooky said and hops on Koya's head.

They quickly ran outside and I followed them while holding my camera and Van following behind me.

"Hold on sweeties, I'll take a picture of you" I said and they excitedly pose for the camera that made me chuckle. "3,2,1 say Happy Halloween!"

"Happy Halloween!!!"

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Author's PO.V.

"I hope Van's okay at home" Mang said while swinging his pumpkin back and forth "I hope so too and also he has the same costume as you" RJ said and smiled.

"You're right while mama didn't even wear some costume, why mama?" Shooky asked while raising his one brow at (Y/n).

"I'm sorry sweeties Mama forgot but at least I'm wearing a black outfit today" She said "You look like a goth if only you had wear black makeup" Tata said and that made his mama giggle.

"Look our first house!" Cooky said and they quickly went to Mrs. Jinkins house, they rang the doorbell and patiently wait. A white haired woman in her late 60s opened the door and smiled at them.

Baby On Board | BT21 FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora