From acquaintance to protector

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I made sure to go around the yard instead of the house so she wouldn't be embarrassed. I realized she couldn't walk anymore and scooped her up making sure that no one could see her beautiful body under her dress. Why would I leave her?

"I would never leave you, my Barbie. I will make sure you're safe."

And that was a promise. I get her in the car and put on her seatbelt. I realized that I can't take her home because I couldn't sneak her into her house. As I am driving away, I see her Carebear skateboard on the curb. I grab that and take her to my house.

Ash is confused as fuck when I come through the door with Penny over my shoulder.

"What the fuck?" He looked at me like I was insane. I knew that Ash liked Penny because she would bring him books to read. She wanted to be a teacher and she felt that he needed a better education. When he realized it was Penny and turned from confused to worried.

I take her to my room and lay her down on my bed. She had to be uncomfortable in that dress. I don't want her to feel like I was being pervy taking it off her, but I wanted her to be able to sleep once the drug wore off. I talked it over with Ash and he agreed that she shouldn't sleep in it and helped me take it off her. He was sweet to her. Ash typically did not like women older than him and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why. He made sure to wet a rag and wipe off her makeup and took her heels off. I got a sweatshirt and boxers for her to sleep in.

I try to not look at her body and focus on dressing her, but God forgive me, she is stunning. She was like a real-life Barbie. She had an amazing figure and freckles like me. I would give her everything. I hope she is serious about me. I fuck with her so hard. I have never been in a serious relationship, but I can't see any other future besides one with her. 

Once I had her dressed, I covered her with my blanket and headed to the couch. I didn't want her to feel more uncomfortable after waking up next to me.  I kneeled down to pray before going to sleep. I wanted him to watch over her. 

In the middle of the night, I went to check on her and make sure she was okay. I was relieved when I saw her breathing. I knew it was stupid to worry about a rufie killing her, but she seemed so pure. like something so evil could kill her. I will protect her. 


Author's note:

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