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Imagine the world YOU know as a bubble, a bubble no bigger than a ten cents coin. Now imagine that bubble in the real world. One little bubble floating around, like a human in space. One little bubble discovering the world. Imagine that the more you explore, see, grow, the more your bubble grows. Now think of a group of bubbles, they all represent your friends' world, some bits will overlap with yours. It is the common things that will connect you, you should all be connected in one way or another. Being all connected you can enter each other's world, if you are brave enough, but if your not, you will start drifting away, while your friends become closer, more connected, as their world gets larger and more connected with knowledge of each other's world.

Your friends worlds are all about twenty cents coins, yours is in between. Slightly bigger than ten but smaller than twenty. You don't want to let your friends get further, but you also don't want them in your bubble, because you don't want their's getting bigger, better and more connected, you are scared your bubble will pop. You are too scared to go beyond your bubble, because beyond your bubble, you imagine a scary, too large world and you don't feel ready. You see one of your friends sticking a finger or toe outside her bubble and you freak out, you think she is in danger. You go to rescue her, pull her back into safety, but then you realise you are stopping her from knowing the bigger world, stopping her from taking risks. What do you do? You release her, but then you worry, so you pull her back again, and you can't decide.

Finally you let her spread her wings, and fly in and out of her bubble, but you still watch over carefully, making sure when her wings break, she isn't too hurt. While worrying over your friends, you start drowning in your little bubble. You also want to fly out, but if you fly out who is going to be there to save and who will save you? You are confused, lost and don't know what to do. You try all different ways, but can't figure out the perfect solution. So what do you do? Nothing. You just watch, just float about, just...be.

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