The Funeral

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There were three soft knocks on the hotel door

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There were three soft knocks on the hotel door. Devontae hurriedly opened it and ushered Sienna and Titi inside. Sienna was carrying the dress Naomi would wear today.

"She's still sleeping" He whispered to them. He was half-dressed, his belt was unbuckled and his undershirt tucked into his pants as his shirt laid on the iron board in the corner of the room.

The girls made their way to Naomi's room, remembering the way from last time. They went in without knocking, finding her splayed across the bed with one leg sticking out from under the covers.

"Do we have to wake her?" Titi asked, pouting at the way Naomi was sleeping so cute and peacefully.

"Unfortunately," Sienna mumbled under her breath, laying the dress on a chair then approaching the bed. She shook her arm gently making Titi scoff. "That shit ain't gon' wake her up."

Titi threw herself on top of Naomi making her go "oomph". She scrambled off, "See, now she's up." She shrugged her shoulders innocently.

Naomi hadn't moved an inch. She didn't plan on getting up at all today. "Cmon Naomi, wakey wakey we'll make you eggs and bakey" Sienna sang in hopes of getting her up.

"I'm not cooking shit," Titi interjected, making Sienna side-eye her sister. "What? I'll buy McDonald's or sum, but y'all won't see me cooking zilch" She threw her hands up unapologetically.

"Okay now we're just getting off task and Naomi is sleep again," Sienna waved off, used to her sister's foolishness.

"Okay now we're just getting off task and Naomi is sleep again," Sienna waved off, used to her sister's foolishness

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I had pulled the covers over my head trying to block out their meaningless conversation and go back to sleep. Titi jumped on me again and I was two seconds away from punching her in the boob.

I sat up with a grouchy look on my face when she got off of me. "Aww she looks so cute" Si cooed, making grabby hands at my cheeks.

I brushed her off, grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste from my luggage. I took a hoe bath then brushed my teeth.

I went back to my room and let them dress me as if I was a doll. They instructed me to go to the kitchen to eat before they do my hair and makeup.

I go to the kitchen to see Izaeah, still in his nightclothes, cooking eggs and sausage. "She did not want to wake up this morning," Titi informed him when he looked at them after seeing my face.

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