The new friend

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I wake up in a room filled with green goo and a single emerald green throne.Were am I I ask myself as I see a pair of eyes looking down at me from the throne.-You are in my domain,I have brought you here because I want to recruit you for my army-.What army I say as I try to break free from the cage made of some kind of powerful energy,Who are you anyway I ask.WHY IM JACKSEPTICEYE OF COURSE THE BOSS OF ALL BOSSES,but you my friend are special very so I ask. Well for one you are at my level of septic power and boss power and second of all I was the one who sucked you in here because I need you for my army of BOSSES.Well...ok I will join but what are we up against.The greatest threat of course the only one who can bring our boss power down to zero with his antiseptic powers.Really your weakness is cleaning spray.Yes but you my friend have a protection to the antiseptic some how you boss power can't be broken down or destroyed.And how am I supposed to get to him and take him out or whatever it is you want to do to this guy because I don't want to take a Popsicle from a kid or something.Well...I kind of need you to help me kill my most hated enemy billy and he is kind of a kid so ya get ready to smash his face in whit the sword of septic.The sword of septic? Yes the sword of septic is an ancient sword used to kill our most hated rebels that tried to kill us on the Great War of the bosses.So do you want to come with me? YES let's go pound his face and save your army the trouble of getting killed by that jerk billy.Yes we will but first we must head back to my planet and get ready for your first war because we are about to fight to haters of the world so people can finally be happy.Ok let's do this.

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