Chapter One

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A/N: I know it says completed, but I promise it's not, I just don't know how to change it

Simecicle was always happy to help Quackity whenever it was needed. He loved Quackity. He was his best friend. If you asked him, he'd say he'd do anything for Quackity.

But lately Quackity hasn't been so nice.

"Slime, for the last time, stop bothering me when I'm trying to work! This is important, you know!"

Quackity growled, annoyance and anger growing in him.

"B-But, Quackity from Las Nevadas, please? I want to show you what I made for you! I think you'll like it!"

"Not now, Slime."


"I SAID NOT NOW!" Quackity yelled, slamming his fist onto the desk. Slimecicle stumbled back in surprise and fear a little bit.

"Leave, Slime." Quackity glared at him.

Slime nodded slowly, backing up and leaving the room. Things like this went on and on for weeks. Slime was no longer the same. He had started to give up on being nice. He tried not to be mean, but sometimes, he couldn't help it.

"Slime? Are you okay?"

Foolish had grown worried about the slime. He was stuck in his room for about three days now, doing something on a bunch of papers. When someone tried to come in, he'd push them away.

"I'm fine, Foolish." Slime spoke up, voice cold.

"Whatcha...Whatcha working on?" Foolish began to step closer.

"Nothing. Go away." Slime moved his arm to block his way of seeing the papers. Though, it didn't exactly work with how boney his arms are.

Foolish looked closer and noticed what Slime was planning. He gasped and covered his mouth. Slime looked over.

"I said go away. GO!"

Foolish nodded and ran out of the room, slamming it behind him.

His heart couldn't stop beating. Was Slime really trying to destroy Quackity AND Las Nevadas? 'There's gotta be something that happened. I mean, Slime was always kind to everyone, even Quackit- Quackity.'

Foolish ran to Quackity's room and banged on the door. "Open the door, Quackity!!"

He continued to bang on the door until it opened.

"What do you want, Foolish."

"Come here. I need to show you something. It's important."

Quackity sighed in annoyance. "Whatever."

Foolish led Quackity to Slime's room and opened the door slowly. Slime was talking to himself, planning different ways to ruin everything Quackity's done.

Quackity gasped. His anger turning to fear. Slime began to turn around and Quackity slammed the door shut.

"What the fuck is he doing?!"

Foolish looked Quackity dead in the eyes. "Hey, Quackity?"


"If you still believe in the Lord above, get on your hands and knees and pray for us." Quackity's body stayed frozen. Staring at Foolish.

"I don't know what you did, but you broke Slime to the point where he wants to destroy you and everything you've built. You need to find a way to fix this. If you don't, we're all in danger."

With that, Foolish walked away, leaving Quackity standing there, scared for his life and his city. He lost too much.

He can't lose another.

Pray For Us - Quackcicle/TNTDuoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum