Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

(1 week later)


Right now Sora, Kosuke, and I are waiting for Team 7 to come back from their mission. It seems that the mission they went on was actually a bigger ranked mission. Also that they got pretty hurt. We weren't as worried tho.. I mean they are still alive...

"HEY GUYS!" I see Mao and Naruto waving at us. We all waved back.

"Nice to see you guys came in one piece." Sora said while hugging Mao, then hugging Naruto. They all laughed.

"Sasuke died." Sakura said. I looked over a Sasuke seeing him well alive, he was staring at me weirdly. Like.. I know I'm fab and all. He shook his head and walked over.

"Hey." He said. I raised an eyebrow and opened my arms, he looked confused for a moment before his eyes widen. What's going on with him? He looks so lost and confused. That's when he pulled me into a hug.

"I don't know why, but I feel a connection towards you. It's not romantic or anything like that, it's just that I feel. I don't know.. You remind me of someone." He muttered into my ear. I nodded, I know what he's talking about. The first time I saw him I kinda felt this pull. I wanted to crush him into a hug. I don't know why.

"It's weird isn't it. It feels like there's a piece of my life missing, one that involves you in it." I mumbled back, he nodded and pulled away.

"I have this brotherly urge to protect you." He said, I studied him closely as I nodded slowly. "We can protect each other." I said while shrugging. He nodded tiredly.

Everyone was just looking at us with shock. "Whoa." Kosuke said while staring at us with wide eyes. Sasuke and I raised an eyebrow at them before Kakashi-sensei cleared his throat.

"YOU GUYS LOOK JUST ALIKE! EXPECT RAI HAS BLUE EYES!" Mao yelled pointing at us. Sasuke and I looked at each other before our eyes widen. We do look alike, but how?

"This is confusing." I muttered under my breath. Sasuke nodded in agreement. Naruto broke the awkwardness by screaming.


"Seriously? Cool!" I said.

"Well we'll see you guys later we have to report to the Hokage! We can all meet for ramen after. My treat." Kakashi Sensei said.

"AWWW KAKASHI SENSEI YOU ACTUALLY DO LOVE US." Sakura shouted. I smirked at Kakashi and he just shook his head.

"We'll meet you guys there." Kosuke said. They nodded at us and waved. We walked away and waved back.

"They all seem fine.." Sora said. Kosuke and I nodded.

"Though Sasuke can say he died" I said. Sora and Kosuke both rolled his eyes.

"It's true though, I mean not everyone dies and comes back to life." Kosuke said. Now it was my time to roll my eyes.

"You really think that? I heard so many stories about people coming from the dead. That jutsu.. What is it called?" I asked.

"I'm not sure..." Sora said thinking.

OHH I KNOW IT! "Impure World Reincarnation...It's a summoning jutsu I think." I said.

"I think you're right.. Isn't that a forbidden jutsu though?" Kosuke asked. I just shrugged my shoulders. It's surprising I even know what the name is.

"We're slacking.. We need to start training again. I mean like.. The training we're .. well training with our teams are pretty good but.. I don't know. It's too easy" Sora said. I nodded.

In your arms (Gaara Fanfic) | Editing soon!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu