the boy in the band

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warnings: alcohol and smut

warnings: alcohol and smut

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enjoyyyyyyyyyy ;)

It was Friday night. Unlike me, I didn't want to go out. In fact, I would rather stay at home, take a bubble bath, put on a movie, and go to sleep. Of course something was in the way of that- well more like someone was in the way of that, and I didn't even know his name.

"Y/n, remember that party we went to a couple of weeks ago?" "Oh yeah. The one with that really hot guitarist?" I started to blush at just the thought of the boy. "Yes! That one. I knew you were going to regret not hooking up with him, so here's your chance to redeem yourself. Julie told me his band is preforming at Mikes tonight. We need to go y/n."
My dearest Amelia. One of my closest girlfriends, but she's always thinking up trouble. "Amelia I don't know about this..."
"Literally why not? What else is there to do tonight?" "This. Stay home. Isn't that hard."
I wink at her, motioning at my bed, and then to my tv. "Cmonnnn y/n. Don't you want a second chance with that hot band guy?"' "It's funny that you think I could get with him. Girl did you see him? He was fucking godly." "Okay, and? Have you seen yourself? Y/n y/l/n you're gorgeous. Literally shut the fuck up." I roll my eyes at her. "Thanks?" "It's decided. We're going, and you're gonna get with band boy."
"Nope. I don't want to hear it. Let's get dressed up hot, and go get laid. What do you say?"
"Fine. If this is a disaster, I'm blaming you."
Amelia winks at me, then leaves my room.
Time to get dressed?

I didn't take to long in my closet. At the end of the day, I still didn't want to go. I was going to look decent in anything I wore, so I picked something without much thought. I decided to wear a black mini dress, with pink ribbon detailing. I brushed my hair out, applied some lipgloss, and was ready to go.

I ran downstairs and Amelia's mouth dropped

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I ran downstairs and Amelia's mouth dropped. "Goddamn bitch!!!!!" "What???" I giggle, playing dumb. "You look so fucking good. Like so good. That boy isn't gonna be able to resist you." "I know you're not talking. You look beautiful Mia!" My friend was wearing a white slip dress that hugged her perfectly. She's so pretty. "Thank you baby! Let's go get your man." Amelia winks. "Fineeee. Let's go."

~Timmy Imagines~Where stories live. Discover now