Normal Night...Right?

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Embry POV:

I was awoken by a loud thud coming from downstairs, My eyes shot open as I jolted up from my bed. "Well at least that sound saved me from that nightmare" I whispered, BANG! "Yet it brought me into a new one." I slid the sheets off my body and shifted my body to my bedroom door. Do i really wanna do this again. I slowly turned around to look at the clock. It read, 11:46, early then normal.

I then turned around and opened the door, it made a small creaking noise as it opened. Walking down the stairs I turned a corner, passed the kitchen and turned another corner into the living room. Why does my house have to be some giant?..

The basement door, shaking as usual with the chains rattling back and forth. My eyes then darted to the huge blood puddle in front of the door. I remember that day like it was yesterday, that dreadful day I whispered. For a moment, I just stood there, frozen. The sound faded as I was left with my own thoughts, the silence felt so loud. I just wanted to scream and have this nightmare end...

Somewhere at the same time:

Ryo POV:

"Hey Ingram?" Ingram is my brother, well, hes my step-brother but i consider him my brother! After what happened he is definitely nicer than Venna. "Yeah, Ryo?" he replied.

R"I have a question, do you think Embry's ok?"

I"Well, what would make you to think their not?"

R"They haven't answered any of the letters I've sent them. Plus, Necrotary sent letters to them and also got no reply, so at least I know their not just ignoring me." *Sigh*

R"I just wanna know if their ok.."

I"Well why can't we go and see them?"

R"But they live so far awaaaay, it would take FOREVER!"

I"What about your dad, can't he just take you to their house?"

R"I don't know, Let's go ask!!"

Somewhere...Also at the same time

Necrotary POV:

For some reason, tonight, I can't sleep, I also don't know why but I've thinking about Embry a lot, like A LOT A LOT. They just haven't responded in to me or Ryo in months, I think something wrong, no somethings definitely wrong, Embry was completely fine until a few months ago...Calm down Necrotary, your probably just over thinking things. Maybe I'll ask Ryo or his dad...

I look at the clock mounted on the wall, 11:54 "I should get up instead of just lying here all night not getting any sleep" I muttered. Surprisingly, I was very peppy despite it being so late. I rushed down the stairs, for some reason I was in a such a hurry to go absolutely nowhere. When I paused and calmed down, I saw Mom siting on a chair in front of the table with a cup of coffee and a book. I recognised the book, it was a True Crime novel.

M"Oh! hello Necrotary."


M"Whoa dear, what's the rush" As she set her book down and gripped the cup, she walked over to me.

N"I've got A LOT on my mind right now."

M"Doesn't explain running at-" She paused and looked at the clock. "-12:00pm"


M"It's fine dear. Now, could you tell me what's on your mind?"

N"Well to start I-" Then I remembered why I was in such hurry

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