Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

 Carrie’s P.O.V

I woke up to Caden crying softly in his basinet beside my bed. I sat up and glanced at the clock 3:00 am, he usually sleeps through the night but, the town was getting hit by thunderstorms making him cry at the loud noises interrupting him from sleeping.

I picked him up softly and began to rock him; my presence began to soothe him. I stared down at him; he had his father’s eyes the beautiful dark brown that stared right into his soul. He was asleep in a matter of minutes and I set him back into the basinet. I waited for a few minutes as it thundered to see if he would wake again. He didn’t stir as the thunder boomed so I laid back down to try and fall asleep.


I pulled up to the house earlier than I was used to. I had got finished early today, I was glad I couldn’t wait to see Chad. We hadn’t been able to see each other this week a lot because of our work schedules. I walked into the house and set my purse and keys on the counter, the house was cooler than normal the windows were open letting the cooler night in.

Chad was probably in his study working on stuff for work. I walked down the hallway leading there. I stopped at his study and poked my head in. I was so excited to see him. He wasn’t in there; I was a little disappointed, he must be in our bedroom I thought.

I headed down the end of the hallway to the last door. That’s when I heard the giggling, I froze. He must be watching T.V. I thought as I gently opened the door.

A gasp escaped my lips at the sight in front of me. My heart was wrenched out; I felt my body go numb as I was faced with my husband in bed with another woman.

I turned and ran from the house.

(End Dream)

I sat up quickly as the tears came like they always did every time I had that dream and relived what had happened.

I didn’t understand. Why? I was so happy and he must have not of been. I had walked away and not looked back; my heart broke even more when I received the divorce papers in the mail just a few weeks after.

He didn’t answer my calls and he never ran after me. He willingly let me go and that broke my heart even more.

A month after I had signed the divorce papers. I began to gain weight and I was sick every morning, I thought it was the divorce but when I went to the doctors I had found that I was pregnant. That little life inside me got me through the divorce.

The pain was still there but, I knew that I couldn’t turn back and I had forgiven him. He wanted nothing to do with Caden after I found out I was pregnant and from then on I turned away and I wasn’t looking back. I was going to be the best mom I could possibly be.

It was around 6 now so I got up and headed down the stairs. Andrea’s house was silent and I wanted to be quiet so I wouldn’t wake her up. I went and sat on the couch but, sleep over came me again.

I woke up the sun shining in the window; I sat up to see Andrea rocking Caden beside me.

“Hey, I didn’t want to wake you. I changed his diaper and feed him; he just fell asleep a few minutes ago”

“Thanks, Andrea. I really appreciate it”

“Are you still having the dreams?”

“Yeah, not as much but, they are still there”

She gave me a sympathetic smile and put Caden in my arms. I rocked him back and forth as he softy slept.

“Carrie, my family is coming into town today. My Dad just called to let me know, I was going to offer if they wanted to stay here since I have a lot of room. Is that okay?”

Never Ending LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora