28. He Can't Speak

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I sat down for five hours straight and attempted to write this chapter. Whilst watching The Big Bang Theory and The Maze Runner..... Enjoy.

The Gathering part of this chapter is gonna have a lot of actual dialogue from the book btw.

This chapter is dedicated to OUATanimals28 for their Fanfiction TMR short stories and preferences .


Yesterday, we located the girl in the Deadheads, she now resides in the Slammer.

Now, after three days, we've been informed that Thomas is finally awake. Dumb shank, scaring us like that. Even more fun, he's already called a Gathering, which Newt also managed to get me invited to. Awesome. Note the sarcasm.

I've spent the past couple of days mainly with Newt. If the worlds going to end, then that is, honestly, how I'd like to spend my last days. We spoke about who we thought we were before the Maze, and what we'd do if we ever escaped. It was interesting to hear what he had to say.

I run to the room where they hold Gatherings, to see that I'm a little late. Everyone is already seated, and staring at me. Alby doesn't look happy. Great.

I quickly look for a seat. Gally's old seat, or Zart's? I basically bolt over to Zart's.
Alby sits straight and clears his throat, "Since Lori decided to finally join us, let's begin shall we? All right, Greenie, forget all the beat-around-the-bush klunk. Start talking."

To be honest, Thomas looks as if he's going to throw up. Could be the Changing though.
"It's a long story. We don't have time to go through it all, but I'll tell you the gist of it. When I went through the Changing-"

"Dumb plan by the way" I point out. Alby shoots me a glare. "Sorry"

"Anyway, I saw flashes of images - hundreds of them - like a slide show in fast forward. A lot came back to me, but only some of it's clear enough to talk about. Other stuff has faded or is fading." He takes a minute to compose himself. I could imagine, I'd be terrified to have to speak in front of all these guys.
"But I remember enough. The Creators are testing us. They want the winners - or survivors - to do something important."

"What?" Newt asks. Alby doesn't say anything. So Newt can speak, but I can't? Fine, whatever, Alby.

Thomas wipes his hands over his tired eyes, "Let me start again. Every single one of us was taken when we were really young. I don't remember how or why - just glimpses and feeling that things had changed in the world, that something really bad happened. I have no idea what. The Creators stole us, and I think they felt justified in doing it. Somehow they figured out that we have above-average intelligence- "

"Not all of us" I mutter. This comment recieves a few snickers.

Alby sighs, "Would you like to leave this Gathering?"

"No, not really."

"Then slim it."

Thomas smiles at me, then turns back to the boys.
"That's why they chose us. I don't know, most of this is sketchy and doesn't matter that much anyway.
I can't remember anything about my family or what happened to them. But after we were taken, we spent the next few years learning in special schools, living somewhat normal lives until they were finally able to finance and build the Maze. All our names are just stupid nicknames they made up - like Alby for Albert Einstein, Newt for Isaac Newton, Lori for Gloria Steinem, and me - Thomas. As in Edison."

After a minute or two of arguing about the origin of these names, and our real names, Thomas says something that peaks my interest.
"Like I said, they wanted to test us, see how we'd react to what they call Variables, like Lori" Everyone looks towards me, and I feel as if I'm going to hurl now. Thanks for throwing me under the bus there, Thomas. I promise your generosity will not be forgotten.
"And have problems that have no solutions. See if we could work together - build a community, even Everything was provided for us,"

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