The Fifth Reason

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I act like I don't care around you but you seem don't care about that. You still love me and my heart fills with happiness because of that.

I keep staring at my phone screen and talking at it, deciding on what should I reply to her message. I didn't sleep last night, her messages keep bugging me. I'm too happy to respond. Say that I'm crazy... You just don't know what I felt. So, don't judge me.

Sana: Hi, Tzu.

Sana: What are you up to? I miss you.

I miss you...

I miss you...

"I miss you too" I mumble and buried my face on my pillow, screaming at the top of my lungs. A knock interrupted my happy moment, I take a deep breath and open my door as if nothing happened.

"What do you want?" I groaned, and lean my back at the door to glared at my brother.

"You are yelling in the fucking morning and you asking me what do I want?" He growled and give me a dirty finger. I didn't fight back because I don't want to fight on the low-class people. Just kidding.

I shut my door and plopped on my bed, I'm expecting too much again. She probably messages all of the members including me. Well, here goes nothing...

Tzuyu: I'm just laying on my bed, how about you?

A minute later my phone buzz, I rapidly pick it up and smile widely as I see Sana's message.

Sana: I'm eating right now. You forgot to say something :((

What does she mean? I backread on our conversation and my eyes widened as I read the "I miss you" part. Hell, no. I'm not going to say that back.

Tzuyu: What do you mean, Sana-unnie?

Sana: Ugh, just forget about it.

She probably referring to that, I don't want her to get mad at me. I shyly tapped on my phone. When I send those three words, I locked my phone, throw it away, and buried my head under my pillow.

Tzuyu: I miss you too.

After that Sana-unnie didn't message me again. What the hell is wrong with her.

I'm on an airplane right now to go back to South Korea. I got sad when I will leave all of my dogs in Taiwan but I suddenly get excited that Kaya & Butter were waiting for me.

I'm the last member who goes back. I heard that Mina-unnie was the first who goes back to Korea, next was Momo-unnie, and the third was Sana-unnie. There are a lot of paparazzi and media that waiting for me outside. As I saw manager-unnie, I feel relieved. She helped me to carry my luggage and assisted me to our car.

When I got home no one was in the living room. The dorm was so quiet, I shrugged it off and went into my room to take a nap. I will just fetch Kaya & Butter later.

I don't know how many hours did I sleep but when I peek through the window it's already dark. I went to the bathroom and take a shower. When I'm done I wear comfortable clothes, I'm going to pick up my babies now.

When I open my door, it was exactly that Sana-unnie goes out into her room also. She stands in her doorway, staring at me. I keep my stoic face and bow at her. I leave her behind and went outside.

Kaya & Butter really miss me a lot, they keep barking and licking me. We walk around in the park before we go home. Since it's already night time, the unnies were probably resting. I quietly go into my room and when I open my door, I saw Sana-unnie resting in my bed again.

"Keep quiet, Kaya & Butter" I whispered as I placed them on the floor. They seem to understand what I said cause they just lay on the floor. They are maybe tired because of the ride. I changed in my pajamas and thinking how will I place her on the side of the bed. She was sleeping at the center of my bed. And if I didn't move her, I will sleep on the floor.

"Sana-unnie" I murmured as I shook her shoulder.

"Mmmm, Tzuyu-ah" She groaned and turned on the other side.

Phew, that was easy. I went to other side of the bed and lay there. I turned off the lamp and closed my eyes. Minutes later, I felt Sana shift, and as I expected she hugged me from behind. I hold my breath, still not used to this.

"I miss you so much, Tzuyu-ah" She whispered like she thinks that I won't hear her. I steady my breathing and pretend that I'm sleeping. Her arm on my waist gets tightened and I felt that she peppering kisses on my shoulder blades.

Is this normal for a friend? I'm confused because I never treated my friends like this and same to them. I know that she's clingy but this... I don't know what to feel. She confuses me and that will be hurt so much if she will see me as her friend or little sister.

Morning comes and I didn't utter any words to anybody. I didn't get enough sleep. I avoided her and she seems to noticed it. I glanced at her and she has this gloomy expression plastered on her face. I averted my gaze at her and just proceed on the dance practice again.

"Tzuyu, someone's calling your phone," My manager said as he give me my phone.

I looked at the caller I.D and it was Elkie. I went outside to talk to her. She had a problem regarding her mom's business. I said that I will talk about it later with my mom. Elkie has been a good friend of mine, her family is like my second family too.

"Don't worry too much about it, for now just rest. I will handle it."

After our conversation, we bid goodbyes at each other. When I turned around to go back into the practice room. Sana was standing not so far away from me.

"Excuse me" I said and was about to leave.


She called my name and I stopped in my tracks. I glanced at her and she just looking down. I approached her and lift her chin.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, she stared at me.

"Did I do something wrong? Cause I feel like you're avoiding me" She murmured.

"No, you didn't. I'm just... not in the mood to talk" I sighed. You are good at lying, Chou Tzuyu.

Her eyes shine, she giggles as she reaches for my arm, " I thought you were mad at me."

I never get mad at you and I know I can't be mad at you. You just confused me with your actions and I decide to avoid you. And even I avoid you, you keep coming back at me.

I shook my head and we started to walk towards the practice room while she still holding my arm. In every practice room that we walk past, a lot of trainers were looking at us. I catch a glimpse of Chan, he somehow mad... at me? I glanced at Sana then back at him, I was surprised that he rolled his eyes at... me?

"What's the matter with him", I thought.

Sana-unnie didn't sleep here at night. And I feel relief because I can take a nap peacefully without my heart racing so fast. I wonder why Chan looked mad at me. I did nothing wrong when I'm in his Grandma's house. What's bothering me is what Sana says to Chan except for the rejection part. And what's the reason why she rejected Chan?

I don't want to get my hopes up...

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