Part One

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"Wake up loser" Billy said standing over me with a pillow in hand i groaned "10 more minutes" i said rolling over covering my head with the blanket "Get. Up. Now." Billy said hitting me with the pillow in between words "Fine. BUT im not doing this because you said so, im doing it because... um.... grades, yeah grades i need to have good grades" I said lying through my teeth but billy obviously didn't believe it "Mya, you've never cared about grades. get up and get dressed- Oh, and by the way, your hanging out with me today after school, gotta teach you how to lie better" he said walking out of my room and shutting the door behind him. I got dressed and changed into a pair of lose fitting jeans and a long sleeve black and white striped shirt paired with black leather belt, I slipped on my beaten up Converses and walked into the bathroom and brushed my short blonde messy obviously self cut hair and didn't bother to style it. "Billy you ready?" i said while grabbing my skateboard "yeah i've been waitin on you" he said walking outside and getting on his bike, i walked after him and got on my skateboard.
we made it to school and headed to our separate classes.
I was in gym class which i share with Savannah, Book, Billy, and Mouth. great. I was in the locker room changing into my gym outfit when i heard Savannah open her locker (hers is beside my) "Hey Mya" She said sending me a quick smile while getting changed "Hey" i said pulling my shirt over my head "Mya we need to talk" i heard the familiar voice of my friend Stacie say i turned towards her while tying my shoelaces "whats up Stace" i said calling her by her nickname "So your brother is single right?" she said staring at my while playing with her hair "Um- i dont" i was suddenly cut of my Savannah "Nope he's not single and even if he was why would you ask her that?! your her best friend and thats her brother! what type of friend are you?!?" She said agitated. I could feel my my face heat up "Is that all you care about Stacie?!? you barely talked to me all month and when you do you ask about my brother?!" Stacie looked at me and rolled her eyes "You know what get lost i only hangout with you to get to Bi-" I blacked out all i saw was red, the next thing i remember is being held back by Billy and what seemed to be Mouth, i looked over to see Savannah slapping Stacie and then Book grabbed her and calmed her down. My hands where bloody, My arm was bruised, and My hair was messed up. I heard the principal calling my name over the intercom. shit. I know how this goes, He's gonna give me a lecture, tell me i fucked up, and then call my dad. FUCK HE'S GONNA CALL MY DAD. tonights gonna be rough.
"Im so sorry sir" My dad said fake smiling "Its quite alright Mr.Hayes but i think your daughter will need to be in in-school-suspension for the next two weeks" The principal said. i sighed, my heart was pounding in my chest as my mind wondered to how bad it will be when i get home "Oh and sir i would like to take Billy home too" My dad said glaring at me "Yes sir" The principal said, he called Billy's name over the intercom and he was in the office quick. On the ride back home it was silent. thats not good. Billy whispered in my ear "when we go home go to your room" I looked at him like he was crazy and whispered back "Hell no Billy this is my fault you shouldn't be the one to pay the consequences" He just stared at me. we pulled up to the house and my dad looked back at us with and evil look in his eyes "get out and get into the fucking house". fuck where doomed and its all my fault.



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