Say My Name (+18)

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Male Reader POV - It's been a few days my ribs were starting to get better and Levi has allowed me to where a shirt again.

Male Reader - I'm starting to feel better sir

Levi - Regardless of you wearing a shirt you're still required to wear a wrap understand?

Male Reader - I know sir *nods*

Levi - *Chuckles* You call me sir way to much

Male Reader POV - He began to place his hand ontop of my head rubbing back and forth causing me to blush.

Male Reader - I-I'm sorry

Male Reader POV - He suddenly pulled me into a hug seeing him kneel down my height as I was sitting on the bed.

Male Reader - Captain are you alright?

Levi - Just give me a moment

Male Reader POV - I began to frown confused on what was wrong but it was best not to question it slowly hugging back.


Male Reader POV - It's been at least 5 minutes and he's made no sign to let go anytime soon.

Male Reader - C-Captian?

Levi - ...You don't need to keep calling me "Captain" or "Sir" all the time

Male Reader POV - I've noticed he began to shake gently laying me back making sure my head was in the pillow comfortably as he climbed beside me.

Male Reader - Wh-what are you doing?

Male Reader POV - He began to climb in between my legs lifting my leg over his shoulder rubbing inside my thigh.

Male Reader - A-ahh S-sir what are you doing *blushes*

Levi - I want you to call me just by my name *whispers*

Male Reader - B-but what are you doing

Levi - Hush just focus on me

Male Reader POV - The look in his eyes was something I've never seen before as he caressed my face.

Male Reader - I-I *gasps* L-levi?!

Male Reader POV - He began to unzip my pants pulling them down along with my boxers only enough for my ass to be exposed still keeping my pants on with my leg over his shoulder.

Levi - (Y/N)...

Male Reader POV - My eyes went wide tears forming hearing his own pants unzipping.

Male Reader - *Tears* W-why?

Levi - Brat I've already told you I love you

Male Reader POV - My back suddenly arched grabbing the bed sheets feeling a sudden burst of pain go through my body.

Male Reader - Ngh!! *Tears*

Male Reader POV - He kept a hold of my leg hearing him grunt and moan as he moved down kissing my forhead and eyes.

Levi - *Moans* S-say my name I want to hear it

Male Reader POV - His body kept pulling and pushing against mine grabbing the bedsheets tighter feeling the pain begun to subside as pleasure took over.

Male Reader - *Moans* L-Levi!

*Thrust Thrust*

Male Reader POV - He kept thrusting suddenly feeling his free hand grab mine kissing my nose and neck.

Levi - God *moans* I want to hear you scream my name tell me how much you love me!! *tears*

Male Reader - L-Levi!! *sobs* I-I love you p-please don't stop

Male Reader POV - I saw the sadness in his eyes as he kept ahold of my leg seeing his shirt start to slide off his shoulder sweat forming

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Male Reader POV - I saw the sadness in his eyes as he kept ahold of my leg seeing his shirt start to slide off his shoulder sweat forming.

Levi - *Sobs* I'd never understood how some brat could make me fall for him so hard!

Male Reader POV - My eyes rolled in the back of my head in pleasure slowly moving my hips with his thrusts as he leaned down capturing my lips with his.

Male Reader - Mphfff!!!

Male Reader POV - We soon both came feeling his seed fill me soon breaking the kiss panting still crying.

Male Reader - *Sniffles* ...

Levi - *Smiles*...tone down the formalities

Male Reader - *Nods* I'll try


Male Reader POV - After Levi helped me with another shower I layed comfortably in bed resting my head on his chest blushing.

Levi - I apologize for being rough

Male Reader - *Groans*

Male Reader POV - I hid my face in his chest feeling his hand rub the back of my head and neck.

Levi - (Y/N) look at me

Male Reader POV - I looked up at Levi seeing him lean down brushing my bangs out of my face.

Levi - You've made me incredibly happy I don't want that going away

Male Reader - *Smiles* Levi......

Pt.2 - You're My Angel (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now