But the way she looks at me... no Jungkook.. she left us... she left hyung and father alone... she never returned. His conscience reasoned out.

"We will take our leave Mrs. Jeon. It is already late. We can arrange a meeting tomorrow." Namjoon tried to speak.

The ravenette was quick to get up and stand on his legs adjusting the blazer. He had turned around to walk towards the exit when he heard his mother utter something that made chills run down his spine.

"Eun-woo's ... he.... he was murdered. It was not a sucide."

I couldn't turn ... my feet froze in place... this can't be true, did hyung no? Wait! she might be lying... why will anyone murder hyung.

"I know you might not believe it... but it is true."

"That doesn't make sense ... you are saying... , how is it possible the investigation and evidence pointed it was suicide. He also had a note left behind." Namjoon reasoned out while his brows furrowed thinking what he could remember the officers had reported.

Hoseok stared at Jungkook's back worried for the younger. The topic was way too sensitive and he didn't want Jungkook to fall into depression again.

"I... my baby... he was threatened " Mrs. Jeon placed her palm over the mouth to stop the sobs.

"Why would it happen? ...why.... why" the ravenette whispered, still having his back facing others.

"You should know that... how much Eun-woo adored you, after her death, you were his sole reason to survive."

"How do you know this.. you were not in our life" the ravenette's voice had dropped low warning the other to think before speaking.

"I always had eyes on my sons.... I just couldn't be with you but that didn't mean I never kept tabs of your well being. I had to move out from that household kook. It was suffocating me. Your father was no longer the same person... the greed for power had made him lose everything."

"Why didn't you take us with you...."

"I... couldn't take you both to suffer and pay for my mistakes"

"I just couldn't ..." fresh tears had started to silently roll down Mrs. Jeon's cheeks while the ravenette had enough of everything. He turned around and glanced at his mother. But the glance was enough to kill the person if it could.

"What proof do you have that hyung didn't suicide. You were not even there with us, did you see how broken hyung was after noona died... you didn't see him walking like a dead person. He looked so tired of everything."

"So Don't You Try To Trick Me" He took slow steps while speaking through gritted teeth.

Mrs. Jeon looked at her younger son in disbelief because how can her son forget how much Jeon Jungkook mattered to Eun-woo. She had witnessed them grow and knew that Eun-woo can kill and sacrifice for Jungkook anytime.

She had to remind her son of his worth in Eun-woo's life. "Don't you forget that Eun-woo's first priority was always you Jungkook. You will always be the reason for his survival and so did she know."

"Eun-woo was tired from the training and work your father had pushed over to him. He wanted Eun-woo to be his successor, but little did he know this endangered both his sons." Jungkook's mother replied.

"What are you talking" Hoseok asked, meanwhile Namjoon was trying to observe Mrs. Jeon whether she was lying or not. The ravenette had a stoic face, not even a slight flinch from all the information he was getting for the first time.

Mrs. Jeon took the ravenette's silence as a cue to speak ahead, "Eun-woo had been many times in dangerous situations when rival companies got to know who was going to be next successor and how much your father adored his elder son. They wanted to find the weakness to bring down your father and Eun-woo was the perfect opportunity."

"Luckily Eun-woo was smart enough to handle the situation and hide it from your father. They were times where I had to secretly send someone to protect him. I am sure he might have figured out that I had my men keep an eye on you both."

"But as we say there is always someone within the internal circle to kill you and the same happened. You might have noticed Eun-woo started to keep distance from you and cut down more interaction when you were back from your first business trip. He didn't wanted you to be the next target and maintained your image as the neglected son of Jeon's "

"But someone told them Eun-woo's weakness... and that was -"

"Me" the ravenette replied in whisper.

"Yes, you."


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