"Slow down, damn." He said taking the cup from me. I glared at him, and sat on the counter. 

"So what are we supposed to do here anyways? People have sex upstairs, people practically have sex in the living room, and outside people skinny dip. Without whats his face, I got nothing to do, so show me the interesting parts Mr. Party Animal." I said feeling the alcohol begin to talk. 

"Uh, so there's usually a horde of people smoking weed, or doing coke in the laundry room, and then there's usually someone passing around Fentanyl in the living room." He said motioning for me to follow him. 

"Ooh I haven't had fentanyl in a while, lets hunt some down." I said getting excited. He nodded and began to lead me through the throng of people. 

When we finally found some, Aaron wouldn't let me take it with beer, so we had to go back to the kitchen to get water. 

"All I'm saying is its not good for you." He said handing me a glass of water. I rolled my eyes. 

"Drugs aren't good for you either stupid." 


After hours of walking through the crowds of sweaty horny teenagers I finally found an empty couch to sit on. 

"Lia." I looked up to see Daniel yelling my name while pushing through a group of freshman. I groaned. He was drunk, and I was high off my ass. 

"What." I asked him slowly. 

"How've you been?" 


"Really? I've just been missing you." He said slurring heavily.

"Oh. Nice." I replied unable to comprehend what he was saying. 

"You think so?"


He sat next to me, and put his arm behind me. I shifted away, and he pulled me back. 

"I really missed you Lia." He whispered in my ear. I shivered and inched away. 

"Stop." I said. My words came out weird though, they didn't taste like words on my tongue. They were weird. 

"You miss me don't you?" He said, his face morphing into one with fangs and glowing yellow eyes. I pushed him off of me and tried to stand up. I fell and felt my whole world begin to spin again. 

"Leave her alone." A voice broke through the illusion, almost shattering everything in it. I recognized the voice, but I couldn't process who was talking. 

I felt myself being lifted up and carried away. I imagined it was a knight carrying me away from the evil dragon that possessed Daniel. 

"Are you white?" I asked. I tried to say are you my white knight but my words came out jumbled. 

"No. I'm mexican, you're the white one miss frida khalo headass."

"Noooo are you the night?" I tried again. 

"What, li, what the fuck did you smoke?" 

"Weed, and that other thing, feta something, sounds like cheese." 

"Fentanyl." the voice muttered. I tried to nod but it made me dizzy. So instead I looked up at the person who was carrying me. It was Aaron.

"Aaron!!!!!" I slurred trying to hug him. He attempted to hug me back. 

All the sudden I got a huge gust of cold air blown at me. 

"No, it was warm there can we go back to the warm?" I slurred, clumsily attempting to escape his arms. 

"No, you need to be outside, besides it stinks in there." He said holding me tighter. I slumped and just let him hold me. 

"You're probably way too gone to understand this so I think right now would be a good time to say it." He began. "You really don't deserve Daniel. Like seriously. He's fucked you up so much, and you just keep letting it happen. I know you put on this hardass shit for everyone, and not many people like you, and you're kinda a bitch most of the time, but I really wish you knew how much you mean to me. You mean a lot. It sucks because I know I'm just the homie, and that's all I'll ever be to you, but I like you. I wish you would realize that you deserve so much better. These drugs aren't helping either." He sighed and set me down. I put my head on his lap, and he began stroking my hair. 

"Can we go home? I'm tired." I said yawning. He looked down at me and laughed. I started laughing too, but I didn't know why. 

He took me back to his house, and took off my dress, and put a t-shirt on instead. I passed out on his bed, and he slept on the floor. I didn't know this until the next day, but I took up the entire queen size bed, the way I was laying. 

Session 23Where stories live. Discover now