[EPISODE] HANNY in Hawaii 🏝️

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[EPISODE] HANNY in Hawaii 🏝️

[2019 it's was a busy year for me. I had tours to meet my fans all around the world]

(HANNY had hectic schedule in short period of time)

[I had such a busy first-half of this year.]

(Exhausted by touring around the world and tight schedule)

[Let me have a break since I have worked hard.]
[Summer Diary in Hawaii]

(I'm here, Hawaii)
(To relieve of HANNY's fatigue. A special holiday in the island of she dreamed of)

[Isn't it amazing that you can see the ocean right here?]

(Even just watching the sea heals HANNY's body and mind.A whole new experience ever)
(So excited. Various activities)

[It's the most joyful moment when I'm free without feeling the burden on myself.]

(Full of charms when she's happy. Sharing her memories with photos)

[I have such short holidays.]

(Special moment only for Hanny)

[It has always been too short to have this kind of experience. I feel like I'm still dreaming. Like Hawaii in a painting, not real.]

(Unbelievably happy holiday)

[Something weird, since I'm here not performing and I feel like something is wrong. It's like I'm here for a show but it's not. Weird.]

(Everything felt new. Leeway after a while struggling with the tight schedule)

[I wish I could have another trip like this someday]

(HANNY is Hawaii, here it begin)
(International boarding. The day to Hawaii has come!)
(Honolulu Hawaii, wait for me!)
(What is HANNY doing?)

Hanny: Fish cake soup before leave for Hawaii.

(Can't stop eating fish cake soup)

Minjae: It was a dream place when I was young. What are you looking forward in Hawaii?

Hanny: Surfing!

Minjae: Surfing? Are you sure you can do that? Can you?

Hanny: Of course. Honestly, I don't know but who cares, I love sports.

(Stay tune for Hanny's surfing skill)

Hanny: I also want to meet dolphin!

(Busy talking and eating)

Hanny: I can't wait to see the dolphins.

(Wait for me, dolphins)

Hanny: Let's go have fun!

(Time to leave for Hawaii!)
(Incheon - Hawaii)
(No doubt! The world's best vacation sport, Hawaii!)

[Summer Diary in Hawaii]

Hanny: Wonderful weather. So I've made it to Hawaii!

(HANNY in Hawaii)

Hanny: Finally, finally! It was nicely schedule, wasn't it? Right after the tour ended and vacation in Hawaii.

(Destiny! Perfect scheduling)

Hanny: I love it. Now, I have to take a lot of pictures. Do you know why I want to take a photo right now? Because I will give up on makeup and will spend time in water without makeup or hair styling.

(Naked face in Hawaii)

Hanny: The last moment I will be dressed up. Today is...

(Suddenly photoshoot season)
(What you regret the most during world tour?)

BIG HIT's PRINCESS HANNYKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat