Chapter 6

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Peter went downstairs looking for some sort of bandage to wrap around my cut hand, 15 minutes had passed and he hadn't come up I thought it was a bit weird so I walked down the stairs only to find him holding a picture of the both of us on the first day of middle school.

"What's taking so long" I laughed looking at the picture in his hand his head turned around quickly his eyes staring at me I walked closer "god they were not my finest days" I sniggered, Peter took a long pause looked back down at the picture then back at me finally he said "look at me" he laughed.

He grabbed the bandage next to him and wrapped it around my bleeding hand trying with all my might not to blush, he sat me down on the couch in my filthy living room it was quite embarrassing really.

He got up and started cleaning he was such a gentleman, I really didn't want him to clean it wasn't his responsibility but he insisted I grabbed a book sitting on the coffee table in front of me and pretend to read I was really looking at Peter oops.

As he finished I stood up and hugged him "Thank you so much" I said moving closer to his face all I wanted was to kiss him but something inside told me he would be weirded out by me, we instead talked for hours of our past and all we did together I was extremely great full for Peter Parker.

He left around 1 am I watched him walk next door through my window i than ran upstairs and held my heart with the thought of Peter I fell asleep smiling.

I woke up this morning in an extremely good mood today I decided I was going to practice out my webs I sure needed the practice and I know damn well Peter has perfected it god why was he always so perfect.

I pulled out a mask I had worked on I hadn't finished the suit tho me and Peter had planned to do that together soon, I pulled on black leggings and a black sweatshirt with my red mask I then ran outside and started shooting webs out of my wrists.

The more I swung from building to building the better it was getting and soon enough I was flipping from each building I pulled out a pair of earphones to plug into my Walkman and listened to Eminems without me on repeat, I stopped and sat on top of a building observing the view of New York and trying to catch my breath back from 3 hours of swinging around New York City.

As I sat up on the edge of a building observing all going on below me my eye was caught with a familiar red head MJ. As my eyes following her every move I saw her run across the street to another familiar face Peter, She was dressed in a pink satin dress and he was dressed in black jeans and a white shirt with a black tie.

As they walked away together my brain finally put together what was going on as a tear rolled down my cheek not being seen through my mask I wanted to follow them, I was soon staring threw a restaurant may I add fancy restaurants window, I watched for about 20 minutes they were talking and he seemed happy so I walked around the corner and sat on the curb feeling defeated I took my mask off and stared at the gravelled road.

An hour had past I was still in the same position staring at the road not feeling motivated to stand up my heart was aching, just then a group of men came charging towards me great I thought "I honestly don't have anything you would like don't waste your time" I said still zoned into the road "we just want to talk baby" one said moving closer to me, I stood up quickly trying to run instead more came out of every angle I was surrounded I tried to fight them of but I was soon surrounded by at least 10 men.

I was done for I thought excepting the faith as one stepped closer to me I was sweeped off my feet and flung threw the rooftops of New York I was soon placed down at the top of a building looking at Peter staring back at me "what were you doing there?" He asked "it doesn't matter" I snapped "hey don't come at me I just saved your life" he said getting agitated at me "I was perfectly fine" I said crossing my arms "oh yeah" he said raising his eyebrows "yeah" I replied quickly, I don't know why I was acting so cruel towards him he just saved me.

He turned to leave "Peter wait" I said walking closer to him "I'm sorry" I said grabbing his hand, he turned around quickly staring right into my eyes "look I'm sorry I shouldn't have been so rude you saved me and I am really thankful I don't know why I'm acting like this I'm so sorry, ill just go" I rambled and turned around I started walking to the edge the building when I was pulled back by a web into Peters body he looked down at me and kissed me.

The New York night lights shining, stars twinkling kissing the man I had been in love with since I knew how to love in this moment I felt like I was on cloud nine and then I thought about what I seen earlier what was going on with him and MJ damn it why can't I have just one nice moment with Peter without her stupid face haunting me.

Authors note: hey everyone sorry for a bit of a wait I've been really busy with upcoming exams but I'll try my best to publish as soon as I can

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