Chapter 1

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My whole body is trembling as I wait for my name to be called. My dad is sitting beside me and keeps glancing at me. Every time I feel his gaze on me it feels like my body is on fire. It's like he is slowly burning me with his eyes and I am slowly suffocating by the smoke and flames. All I know is despite his beatings and numerous acts of verbally putting me down, I will go against his orders of staying in Abnegation. I will soon be gone.

Marcus has been beating me torturing me more than he ever has before. When Tobias was here he wouldn't let Marcus lay a finger on me. When Marcus did have the chance to hurt me Tobias would always be sent away to help the Factionless or run some pointless errand.

I will not be sorry for leaving Abnegation. Though I'm not gonna lie, I'm utterly frightened to switch to a new faction. I haven't talked to a person other than Marcus in three years. Well, except for my test administer Tori, who didn't give me my test results for some odd reason and just shoved me out the door as quickly as possible.

Anyways Marcus has hurt me more after Tobias left. Marcus is so angry that he left that he started taking it out on me. In the last three years I have been burned with knives, whipped by his belt, forced to take birth control pills, and raped almost every week. Since I have been burned with knives I have developed a fear over them. Whenever I see them I get really sweaty, and start to shake uncontrollably. It is not a pretty site.

Suddenly my name is called.
"Alexandra Eaton."

I brush my sweaty palms on my grey dress and shakily rise from my seat. I reach the white bowls and only look at the ones to my left. Abnegation and Dauntless.

I don't wince when I slice my palm. I only wince when my makes a sizzling noise when it's hits the coals.

The Dauntless cheer but they aren't the ones I'm paying attention to. I fix my gaze on my fathers face as I walk to the dauntless crowd. He scowls at me and I quickly turn away.

When one of the dauntless stands to give me their seat he pats me on the back and I try so hard not to cry out in pain. By some miracle I manage to keep my composure.

The ceremony is soon over and I start to run out of the compound with the other transfers and dauntless. My hair quickly falls out of my bun. My dark brown waves cascade down my back and fly with the wind. I have never felt more alive than I am right now.

I climb up a pole to get to the train tracks. I am so excited. I have always wondered what it felt like to jump onto a train. The train comes into my site. The dauntless start to run and I soon follow. I jump onto the train successfully but not without ripping my dress a little and almost slipping out of the train. But hey, I think that is getting on successfully for an Abnegation.

"Hey blue eyes, you're pretty sexy for an Abnegation. Where did you come from?"

I look up to see a a boy wearing blue clothing with a smirk that I am pretty repulsed by him. I don't answer him. I just look back down at my lap and hope he will leave me alone.

"Oh so you don't talk? That just going to make my life a whole lot easier."

No one steps in to help me. Lately no one has wanted anything to do with the Abnegation because of the reports that have been released.

Suddenly I hear someone shout, "Get ready!"

We jump from the train to the roof top and my heart is beating so hard and so fast that I think that It might come out of my chest right now.

Once everyone is on the roof a man with short blonde cropped hair with an eyebrow piercing is standing on an edge of a big opening, not caring that he might fall to his death.

"My name's Eric. I'm a leader here at Dauntless. So who's gonna be first to jump. It's your choice either jump or become Factionless."

"Is there something to catch us when we fall", an Erudite boy speaks up.

Eric replies by saying," Why don't you jump and find out."

The Erudite boy shrinks back to where he is standing. A boy dressed in black jumps first. As more and more people jump I shake a bit more. I absolutely hate heights. I am lost in thought until I hear someone shout.

"Hey Stiff are you gonna jump or become factionless?"

I look around me and realize I am the only person left. I walk up to the ledge. I can't bring myself to jump.
"Is there something wrong", Eric asks clearly annoyed. I don't do anything.
"Do you not talk or something?"
Again I don't reply.

" God! Stiffs shouldn't even be allowed to choose dauntless. They're too damn stupid and annoying for their own g-", I cut him off by pushing him over the ledge, but to my surprise he quickly grabs my arm and brings my down with him.
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