The jealous

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Your prove
Becky and I are going to hang out but
"Y/n " Becky called me from her room you said im coming you finally came up then Becky look at you then she started to taking again. Becky said " babe Im going to the mall with me or not. Then you Say ya im going I need some new clothes. Then Becky said go get dressed we are leaving in an hour. Im going to get dressed. You put on some short , blue and red strip tank top, obey SnapBack hat and vans ( that in the square up in the first page that is what you are wearing) . You grab your wallet , phone , keys went down stairs down stairs becky was waiting for me.

Becky prove
So me and y/n are going to the mall I'm going to buy y/n some new clothes and myself. Y/n got change then we head to the car and drove to the mall I get to spend some time with y/n.
Skip car ride

Your prove
We finally get to the mall Becky was already out of the car and was waiting for me but I didn't buge I just sat there not moving so Becky came to my side of the car sat on my lap and kiss me are lips moved in snyc and we pulled away because of air came an issue. Then Becky said " babe can we go now "yes we can baby " now Becky got of my lap peck my lips and moved out of the way then I got up grab her hand and walk in then we walk in then we saw........
Sorry guys. Cliff hanger 😂😂🔃

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