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season 1, episode 6

' i love you '


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"OCTAVIA?" ME AND BELLAMY WANDER AROUND TRYING TO FIND HIS SISTER. we open tents not finding a single clue on where she is. we walk over to see clarkes open tent.

"you're up?" i ask the blonde. she gets up from where she's sitting.

"yeah, knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the ark makes it pretty hard to sleep." she says standing in front of us.

"ravens flares will work." he says reassuring her.

"her radio would've worked better." she says,
the guilt on bellamy's face was plastered all
over him.

"have you seen octavia?" i changed the topic, noticing that bellamy's uncomfortable.

"no. it's octavia, she's probably chasing butterflies." she widens her eyes.

"clarke, we've checked the camp, she's not here." he shakes his head.

"okay, i'll help you guys find her." she walks a head.

"let's check again. you guys go to the drop ship, i'll check the rest of the tents."

"thank you." bellamy spoke.

"don't thank me, i'm not doing this for you. i'm doing it for octavia." she said sternly.


"hey everyone! gather around and grab a weapon! my sisters been out there alone for 12 hours. arm up. we're not coming back without her." he informed everyone.

i look at the corner of my eye and see jasper walking up to the weapons.

"hey jasper, you don't have to do this. you haven't left camp since we've brought you back." i softly tell him.

"athena, i need to do this." he mumbled nodding his head.

"we need all the people we can get." bellamy comes up behind me and puts his hands on my waist. i look up at bellamy and then jasper.

"we need a tracker." bellamy says.

"finn. get out here." bellamy called.

"finn we're leaving!"

"alright i'm coming!" he yelled back. i walk beside bellamy as he holds me close to him.

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