Temper, Temper

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 I stood in the door way of Zetzu's room looking over his relaxed body knotted into a bundle in his nest. Guilt eating at my insides the entire time. Not only was I agreeing to help hurt my own brother, I was probably going to hurt Zetzu by leaving without saying anything. All because I was too weak to say no to my father and his ridiculous lust for power.

 The only ability he even had was being able to implant suggestions into a person's mind. It didn't work instantly, given a long enough period of time he could make a nun murder for a chocolate bar if he tried. Just by talking. Our bloodline was packed with power, but he got the shallow end of the gene pool. Perhaps that is why he was so bitter.

My dislike for the man only grew the longer I stared at Zetzu, it was chilly in his room. Silently walking in I checked his heating blankets and flipped on the switch when I found it off. I flinched when the knock at the door downstairs reached me, glancing over my shoulder I leaned forward and brushed the scaly tail. The muscles under my hand flexed lazily as he shifted, the end of his tail wrapping around my wrist when another knock from the door made me sigh.

Standing up I carefully pulled my hand free and walked out of Zetzu's room softly closing his door and jogging down the stairs, grabbing my small bag of clothes on the way. Stuffing my phone in my pocket as I reached the door, opening it just in time for my father's knuckles to hit air.

His black eyes glaring down at me, "I shouldn't have to wait so long." Mumbling an unapologetic sorry under my breath at him I pulled my bag up higher and followed him out of the house. My eyes flicking over the cold court yard cased in the darkness of night. Only lit by the few 20 foot metal lamps with dull yellow glows at the top.

Instantly my father started to head in the opposite direction of the gate, "Where are we going?" He sighed heavily and shot a hard look at me.

"You failed to convince your brother to leave, so we will be taking him by force." Panic made my heart stutter, "T-Todd's not here. He left with his mates about a day ago... With him in the middle of a full werewolf pack we can't get to him." My voice tapered off, my mind working slower than my mouth as I frantically wondered where these words were coming from.

My anxiety was quickly rising, I didn't want to hurt my brother. If I could buy myself enough time maybe I could prevent this. Or just mess it up at the very least.

"If we can't take him then we'll make him come to us." I frowned and eyed my father as he turned and started for the gates. Quickly following him I glanced back at Zetzu's window and pressed my lips together tightly.

 "How are you going to make Todd come to you?" Mumbling under my breath I crawled into he familiar blacked-out car my father drove. "Target those two wolves of his. Even though they aren't finished my copies of him are still powerful enough to take on a wolf. We'll kill them, piss Todd off and he'll hunt us down. That's when we get him." I flinched at the idea and coughed to hide the uneasy noise that left my throat.

 "H-how can you be sure that he'll hunt you down? They've already mated, if you kill them it'll probably destroy him to a point he won't be able to.. f-function." I cringed as I watched my father's knuckles tighten on the steering wheel.

 "You're right." I sat tense the rest of the ride, my anxiety eating away at my stomach and nerves as I watched the forest through the tinted window thicken. A phone suddenly hit the side of my face and landed in my lap. With a grunt I rubbed my cheek and look down at it, "Send a text to the number at the top of the contact list."

 Doing as I was told I glanced at my father as he pulled to the side of the road, "What do I say?" He opened his door and shot me a hard look, "It doesn't matter. The text is set up to alert the copies, when they wake up they will know how to get to me. I just need one of them to do his." He got out and opened the back door pulling the back seat up to reveal his station of weapons that I usually end up cleaning for him.

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