Chapter 14

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Taehyung ushered him into the kitchen and sat him down at the kitchen counter.    Jungkook ran his fingers along the beautiful marble surface and admired his spacious, modern kitchen.

“I don't cook much,” Taehyung admitted. 

“Neither do I,” Jungkook replied.  “I love to bake but I don't have the time nowadays.  Hyungie doesn't want me to take on so many extra shifts though. He even volunteered to get a part-time job.”  Jungkook clenched his fists.  “I won't let him do that. He can't tire himself out!”

As Taehyung started pulling out ingredients from the fridge, Jungkook jumped to his feet and said, “Let me help you.”  he surveyed the available ingredients on the counter and nodded.  “Ham and cheese sandwich it is.”

They ate their sandwiches in companionable silence for a while.  As Taehyung poured him another glass of orange juice, he asked, “Have you considered getting another job?”

Jungkook sighed.  “I don't know if I can find a better-paying job...”

Taehyung was about to say something when his intercom buzzed.  With a grin, Taehyung slid off his stool and said, “That must be Jimin.  He's got your clothes.”

“So fast?” Jungkook coughed.

“My staff is highly efficient,” Taehyung answered smugly.

Taehyung opened the door and a petite bespectacled man bounced in. He arched a brow at Taehyung as he pushed up his glasses, his eyes conveying both amusement and exasperation.  Jungkook got the impression that he knew Taehyung pretty well.  he harrumphed as he pushed past Taehyung and declared, “I'm going to ask for a raise...”

The man stopped short when he saw Jungkook.  Immediately he straightened up and smiled.  “Hi, I'm Park Jimin, secretary extraordinary.  You must be Jungkook.  I got you everything Taehyung ordered.  I hope they fit you.”

“T-thank you,” Jungkook stammered.  he took the packages from Jimin and thanked him again.  On closer look, he realized that Jimin was older than him.  His petite size and lively manner made him look younger.

Jimin wagged a finger at his boss and spoke to him more like an older brother than an employee.  Jungkook took an instant liking to the older man.  He was irreverent and witty and he made Taehyung laugh out loud a couple of times.

Finally, Jimin gave Jungkook a cheery wave and flounced out the door.  “See you tomorrow, boss!” he yelled over his shoulder.

“Is Jimin  your secretary?” Jungkook asked. 

“Jimin is my CFO secretary.  But he helps me sometimes.  So I sort of share Jimin  with Yoongi.”  Jungkook  scowled and muttered, “That sounded all kinds of wrong.”

Taehyung laughed. 

 “She seems to know you very well,” Jungkook said.

“Jimin  has been with the company for close to thirteen years now.”

Jungkook nodded.  If a company could retain good staff, it spoke well of the company and its management.

“But...does he always have to work this late?” Jungkook winced.  The man went out to grab new clothes for him in the middle of the night.

“Jimin is on night shift this week,” Taehyung said.  “Kim industries  are open round the clock, and the staff can swap their shifts around.”

“I hope you guys are paying him well.”

“Jimin is probably the highest-paid personal assistant in the whole damn city,” Taehyung said, rolling his eyes.             

“But he's worth every cent,” Jungkook finished for him.

Taehyung grinned.  “he is.”

Jungkook stared at Taehyung, his heart swelling with a strange emotion.  His grin made him look a lot younger, less stern, and intimidating.  He looked boyish and playful, and he clearly saw that he was a good boss to his staff.  He took Jimin's ribbing and mock complaints with good humor, and he made sure his staff was well compensated and rewarded for their service.

Jungkook was attracted to him. He couldn't deny that.  But any hot-blooded human would want to jump his bones.  The guy was seriously sexy.   Tall, handsome, sweet, and protective.  Taehyung was everything a person would want in a mate.

Jungkook shook himself.  Why was he even thinking of him as a mate?  He was a client.  And he would probably never see him again after tonight.

The realization made him inexplicably sad.  “I...I'll go change,” he stuttered, clutching the packages to his chest.

“I'll drive you home when you're ready,” was all he said as he watched him retreat to the bathroom.


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