April Showers Bring May Flowers | A Naruto One-shot|

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Akahana huffed and put the palms of her hands on her knees. The thorny vines that surrounded the young female that she had complete control over until this point, quivered and then returned back to the ground from which it came. "Why'd you have to go so hard on me today?" Akahana could barely say through short breathes.

"Because you asked!!" The multiple shadow clones of Naruto spoke in unison. The clones all vanished in a cloud of smoke leaving the real Naruto standing there with his hands on his hips. She's getting strong that's for sure, Naruto thought to himself. "Don't be like that!"

Akahana let out a small chuckle before collapsing onto the ground. She had reached her limits long ago, but with the upending war and such, Lady Hokage had asked her to keep an eye on Naruto until they knew what to do with him. "I'm sorry! I know.."

She shook her head, and looked up as Naruto approached her. Taking Naruto's extended hand, Akahana pulled herself to her feet. Glancing to the entrance to the training grounds she finally saw Kakashi and Lady Hokage waiting for them- well Naruto patiently."I think that's for you." The female said, pointing with a shaking hand. 

She had realized long ago Naruto was special; however now she was finally understanding it all. Giving him a sad smile, she pushed him forward. "You're going to make a great Hokage." She whispered to his back. Watching as the three walked away, Akahana knew Naruto could change the world.

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"Akahana-sensai!!!" Yuki Tora the browned haired girl screamed as loudly as she could. Akahana let out a sigh, as she entered the training grounds. And so it begins she thought to herself. Putting a little pep in her step she neared her three man genin squad members. Hiro Tokushima and Hide Nofumi the two hot heads of the squad were at it again.

Making a few hand signs, Akahana let out a small purr like yawn as two giant vine like roots sprouted from the ground coiling themselves around the two young boy's ankles lifting them up into the air.

"Sensai, you're so cool!!" Yuki Tora and Hiro chime in unison. Hide simply 'hmpfed' and looked away with a blush on his face, which cause the other two to haze him endlessly. After a few moments of this, Akahana cleared her throat as the vines contracted back into the ground and released the boys.

"Today, we start our first going away missi-.." Akahana was barely able to get out as the three all begin to cheer and ask questions. Without a second thought Akahana whacked them all on the head silencing them. Clearing her throat once more she continued talking, " We will speak to Lord Hokage and he will give us details when we arrive there."

The three of the genin practically ran the whole way there, making Akahana chuckle. "Oh the days of being a genin" she said to herself. Glancing around, she couldn't help but notice how far the village had come and grown in only a few short years after the war.

Entering the building they head straight to the Hokage's office, Akahana eyed her youngens as they paused in front of the Hokage's closed door. With a sigh, she opened the wooden doors and ushered them in.

Naruto watched as Akahana impatiently rushed Yuki Tora, Hiro, and Hide into the room. As Hokage he took into his responsibility to know everyone in the village. His eyes lingered a little longer than he would like to admit on Akahana. She was a bit rough around the edges, but he could tell she really cared for the three young ninja and that was all that mattered. "Hey guys..." Naruto said, and Akahana face palmed. He was still honestly getting used to the idea of being in charge of the village, embarrassing himself caused a small blush to form across his cheeks. Quickly, moving his papers around he found the 'C' ranked mission he has picked out for them and went over the basics of the mission.

"So basically we help escort some stupid cargo?" Hide asked and as soon as the words left his mouth he regretted it upon receiving a pound to the top of the head by Akahana. The Sensai simply shook her head and smiled at the Hokage. She could see the small blush form across his cheeks, and she couldn't help but suppress a giggle.

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The following morning Akahana had woken up early to grab a few more items they may have needed for their mission. Spare kunai, paper bombs, just really any small ninja tool that may seem useful, Akahana wanted to make sure her little genin were well taken care of. She would teach them to be great ninjas. Upon hearing a man clear his throat Akahana looked up from her armful of things. Naruto.

"Hey there." Naruto greeted with a smile throwing up the peace sign. Akahana chuckled to herself and walked straight past him to the counter to pay for her things. Naruto sighed and ran up behind her. "So, I was thinking I would see your team off on the mission this morning."

"Oh really?" Akahana smiled as she turned her head to the side to get a good view of him. His face that always seemed to smile had grown very serious. "Is something wrong?"

"My first away mission could have killed my teammates and me. These missions should be taken very seriously... Especially for first time sensai's..." Naruto spoke softly putting his hand on her arm. He didn't want to see anything happen to the tiny, rude, energetic female that stood before him. Slowing, he let his hand trail down to her hand, very impulsively he took her hand into his.

"Naruto..." Akahana whispered, the female never knew he had felt this way towards her. She had always believed that one day he would eventually fall in love with the beautiful lavender eyed Hinata. Quickly pulling the male forward, Akahana pressed her lips to his. Feeling his lips on hers was something she had only spent her nights dreaming of for as long as she could remember. Finally!!! She thought to herself.

"Ewwwwwwww!!! Akahana Sensai, you're nasty!!!" The kissing two heard the three genin chime in all in unison. Naruto was surprised by their harmonizing skill. But before Naruto could even say anything the three took off running for their lives as Akahana chased after them.

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