6) Oh shi-

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(Short Chapter)

It had been a few days since our successful mission, and everyone in the league had been relaxing.

I got up and went to the bathroom, standing in front of the dirty mirror at myself. My roots were starting to be a bit noticeable,  if you looked close enough. You could see the almost white just showing through onto the black.
I didn't want to take any chances.

I went back to my room.

Today, it didn't seem the league would be doing much, so it would be an okay day to dye my hair. Nobody would notice and it wouldn't be a big deal.

I'm just glad Toga never forced me to dye her hair. It would be hard to fake not having experience.

I went to the bottle I had used last time. What I had thought to be a half-full bottle was actually entirely empty. The way the bottle was designed had just made it look that way. There was in fact, no hair dye left.

But that was okay.
Because I buy a value pack.

I went to the box I had under my bed, the one with all the bottles of hair dye. I would buy a huge box of dye so no one was ever suspicious of me going to buy stuff every few weeks alone. I reached my hand into the box and felt around.

Oh shit.
Oh Kami.

The box was empty. Looking inside, I saw nothing. I must have grabbed the last bottle and not noticed.

"Oh shi-" I paused, remembering that there was a store just a few blocks away that sells cheap hair dye, that I could use for emergencies.

This is an emergency.

This is absolutely a fucking emergency.

I threw on a black hoodie, some sweatpants, and some shoes, grabbing a beanie and putting it on to cover my roots. I walked out to the bar and sat next to Shigaraki, who sat there silently, with just a drink and his thoughts.

I whispered quietly so only the two of us could hear. Toga, Dabi, and Magne were talking on the other side of the room, debating on some shitty heroes and who was stronger.

"Tomura. I'm out of hair dye and my roots are showing. You know how I get about people possibly figuring it out. Permission to run down to the store and grab an emergency bottle?" He stared back at me for a moment.

"Permission granted. But Dabi goes with you. We are still in possible danger after that stunt we pulled and I don't want you getting yourself killed, or put in jail. Plus, you insist on being quirkless, which puts you at a disadvantage. Katanas can't protect you from everything."

My jaw dropped. I whispered in a panicked tone.

"I can't bring anyone along! They'll figure it out! Especially not Dabi, he is way smarter than he looks. Tenko." Tomura gave me a bored glance before directing his attention to Dabi. Stupid motherfucking idiot was going to get us figured out.

"Hey, Staples! Y/n here needs to run down to the convenience store. We are still on lockdown, so I ask you to accompany her in case you guys run into trouble."

Oh shi-

word count 2/6/22: 486

EDITED! new 11/5/22 word count: 528

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