Oracle: Thats strange, there's barely if any guards around

Wolf: Somethings not right

Skull: Oh, who cares it'll just be easier to get our hands on his treasure

Queen: How about you try thinking, if there are barely any guards, then something must be going on

Violet: True it all seems a bit fishy

Joker looked at the entrance of the mansion, with a curious look. That was until Oracle came back over comms

Oracle: Guys I did a scan over the building, and I only found one signature inside 

Panther: This is really suspicious

Fox: We should move with caution 

Joker nodded to his team, and they all quickly and quietly began moving towards the door, seeing that it was left ajar. Joker looks at it confused, looking back at his team for a second, he then opened the door the rest of the way and walked inside with the rest of his team. Once they got into the foyer, they see who the signature that Oracle talked about was.......Jacques. He stood there with his back turned to them. Looking to each other for a second, they began approaching him quietly, but he soon began chuckling to himself.

Jacques: So, you all finally arrived

He turned and revealed his eyes were now glowing yellow, showing that the calling card had worked.

Jacques: It took you all so long to get here, for second I thought you wouldn't show up

Skull: You really think we wouldn't after all the shit you've done!?

Panther: Yeah, after everything you've done to those Faunus and those other companies that you trampled for your own gain

Jacques simply scoffed at this.

Jacques: Of course, it's something you kids wouldn't understand. In the world of business, you need to do whatever it takes to get ahead

Queen growled at him.

Queen: And that's an excuse to do that to them, you have them beat if they are underworking, and killed if they rebel!?

Wolf then stepped up.

Wolf: You aren't getting out of this with simple words Jacques. No matter what we will steal your desires and make you confess for everything you've done

Jacques chuckles at this before glaring at the group.

Jacques: Fine then! These walls will be painted in your blood

A dark twister of energy swirled around him, with a roar being heard shortly afterwards. As soon as the twister faded there stood in Jacques's place was a giant, armored serpent with long white hair and mustache. He lets out a roar and glares down at the Phantom Thieves.

Shadow Jacques: I'll tear you all a part!!! 

He then rushed at them, with them quickly jumping out of the way. All quickly getting into stances with their weapons, as S. Jacques wrapped around one of the pillars and glared down at them. Joker spun his dagger in his hand and yelled up at the serpent.

Joker: Let's go!!!

The S. Jacques shot out a beam of ice down at them, that they quickly jumped out of the way of, with multiple spikes of ice being produced from it. They all landed, and Oracle got to scanning S. Jacques. Queen, Panther and Fox all brought out their guns and began firing at the armored serpent with it slightly recoiling from the pain. Soon after Oracle came over the comms.

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