Pt1 cold parking lot

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"Y/n stop day dreaming please we're almost there" grandma remarked coughing into a white handkerchief;your grandma (Eliza)

Was the stay at home stereotypical humble old lady who had been in charge of your affairs ever since an enormous fire that destroyed your loving family which still remains mystery to day. Resulting in enough sadness to last anyone a lifetime but in the case for Y/n it was only the beginning.After the fire,y/n was sent to live with her loving grandma in the small town Morioh for a short time. Before being informed that she now must be in the company of the Jostars.

"I'm sorry if you're uncomfortable"
Grandma said coughing uncontrollably into her handkerchief again gently rubbing your hand in comfort.

"This train is cheap, but I know you'll be with you're new loving comfortable home and not in the cramped old flat." she stated with a sweet smile on her face trying to hide the fact that the train was extremely uncomfortable and cold,
I nodded in agreement glaring out of the grimy window and gazed at the gloomy blackness of the finite forest surrounding the train tacks as they slowly left the country side wondering if my life really would get better when go live with a family I've had hardly met in a big city,I mean I've heard of them from grandma so they seem ok but I am not sure if I want to live with this family what if they just don't except me or don't even like my company.Ever since those sleepless nights after the accident I can't help but think if my life has got even more dangerous I will never forgive what they did ever it's all my fault I should of been there with them as a final goodbye I just want to see there sweet smiles again having conversation about anything I just wanna see them one last time.

A loud announcement over a crackly loudspeaker had interrupted my thoughts again "電車は30分以内に東京に到着します"
My grandma then repeated the words as my Japanese hadn't improved since I moved here.
I had only lived in Japan for a few years with my grandma and had only learned a few things,reading or writing wasn't my strong point nor was listing, sometimes my friends would tease my about how they had to repeat everything they said and that I was shy, but I wasn't really shy I just never had anything to say.

"Grandma I'am gonna get some sleep"
Gently pressing my head on the window before nodding back to me.

—-time skip—-

Y/n sweetie come on we're in a bit of a hurry Joseph told me to meet in the car park so it's bit of a walk"grandma shook me gently before opening my eyes to see her swaddling my luggage in both of her arms.
'Yikes I must of been sleeping heavily, and I am definitely not in the mood for walking to the car park it's like -5'

"Hey!, let me take that I don't want you falling over" quickly juggling my belongings out of her arms and taking note of every thing I had before swing my back pack on and clutching my suit case.

"Now Remember if you need anything don't be shy to ask I am sure Joseph is more than welcome to accompany you,I'll also send you plenty of letters ok I don't want you forgetting about me" she said giggling to herself as I help her onto the platform on are way to the random car park.

"don't worry I won't forget about you grandma also there are such things as a phone,any we're this car park it's freezing."

"This way"..

—Time skip—

It was now very late, about 10:29 to be precise it was also still fucking freezing I couldn't feel my feet but made sure my grandma was warm, I didn't want her freezing to death in front of me. As we both sat on an old crooked bench in what seemed to be a car park that looked slightly over grown and abandoned with practically a forest floor.We spoke about the jostars and their fascinating family story ... which sound like absolute bull shit, but it was all you could really do was nod and hum in agreement, like when you have that one friend who thinks their conversations are cool and interesting or in this case 'real' but you just sit there waiting for this small talk to end.

Before we could speak any longer we were finally interrupted of the sound of tiers screeching from someone who couldn't drive properly followed by a loud voice clambering out of the car.

"Ahhh y/n how are you I haven't seen you were just a baby!, and is that Eliza! my god you don't look a day over 60!"
Looking out from behind my hands that were sheltering me from the strong head lights from the car,standing before me was a 6'5 man who looked quite good for his age tall and well kept towering over my grandma.

'Wait did he say he met me before'
"Oh be quite Joseph, you've had me and my granddaughter waiting in the the cold for over an hour!"
"I do apologise Eliza I am not very good with directions considering I've only b-"

"Considering you've only been here a week come on we know that,y/n grab you things sweetie." Quickly picking my things up off the ground after seeing my grandmas strict side and chucking my back into the car along with my heavy suit case.

"Come her girl give your gran a hug."
Reaching out to me she quickly head locked me in between her chest leaving me to suffocate.

"listen to me Joseph don't be a maniac and drive like and idiot you got that.!"
"Yes mam!" Joseph replied sharply and slightly scared for his life.

"Ok I love you so much be a good girl darling and no funny business with any boys OR girls ya' no." giving me a quick smirk reminding me that she some how knows I also happen to find women attractive, Joseph letting out a little snicker at the comment.
Before she pulled Me back into a few more pecks on my face

"Ok!,ok grandma bye love you" I said just managing to escape her grasp.

Shutting the big car door behind me,turning to face Joseph in the front seat.
"Well y/n, hope you feel comfortable in you're new home ya know I just can't wait for you to meet holly and jotaro, They'll love ya!" He said,Letting out a small laugh.

"Um yeah I can't wait although I am quite tired, so I could do with some sleep"
Letting out a small laugh to make it less awkward.

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