The Days After Harryween - 2

Start from the beginning

I clicked on her contact and waited for her to pick up the phone. I really hope that she's still in New York or this mission is going to be an absolute failure. After 4 rings I finally heard her familiar voice.


"Amanda thank goodness."

"Oh my gosh, I miss you. I haven't heard from you in a while. How are you? I'm sorry for what's happening. I-"

"Amanda...breathe." I laughed. "You're going to pass out."

"Sorry. Sorry. I'm just excited that you called."

"I'm sorry for not reaching out earlier. A lot has happened and it's all just hectic."

"Don't be sorry. I understand. So, what did I do right in order for you to call?" She giggled through the phone.

"Um...are you in New York?"

"Yes ma'am indeed."

"I need a huge huge favor from you."

"What? Yeah, of course what is it? Do I need to kill anyone? Maybe someone who's name starts with an O and ends with yuck."

"Oh my god, Amanda. That was the worst joke ever. There is no killing involved, but if I tell you what it is, you need to keep it 1000% percent to yourself. You can't tell a single soul about it."

"This sounds more serious than I thought. You have my word, Y/N. You can trust me with whatever it is. I swear."

"Amanda, I need you to keep your word because I really don't want anyone finding out about this until I'm ready."

"Y/N! It's your turn to breathe, like I said before you have my word, I promise. It's not like you're pregnant or something." She joked and that's when I fell silent. My vision was blurring and everything around me was spinning. "HOLY SHIT!! You're pregnant! That's so exciting oh my gosh...Y/N? Are you there?"

"I- sorry. Yeah, I'm here. I just needed to sit down."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stress you out, this is just exciting."

"Nothing's your fault. It was just weird to hear it out loud."

"I understand. Wait...I mean, I don't understand obviously because I've never been pregnant, but I mean I know how you feel about it being said out loud. It does get a little too much when you've thought about something for so long and then hearing it out loud gives you that moment of realization that, that shit is real."

"Wow, you took the way I felt and said it exactly the way it was."

"I told you, I'm a great person to talk to. I know my shit, but I do have a question."

I nodded my head, but remembered she couldn't see me so I let out a "Mhm."

"Are you telling me about this because you think it's Timothee's...? Or?"

"Oh my gosh. No, no that's not why I told you. It's Harry's, 100%. Timothee and I never got to that point in our relationship and Harry's the only one I've been with like that. I called because I was wondering if you can get a pregnancy test and bring it over."

"Oh, yeah of course I can. I can even stay with you if you need me to." She suggested.

"Yeah, actually that would help a lot."

"Perfect. I'll see you in 20. I gotta give Timothee an excuse to leave."

"Sounds great. Thanks, Manda."

I got off the couch, placed my plate in the sink, and decided to clean the apartment a bit. A lot of blankets were sprawled out on the couch from the previous times Harry and I spent cuddling and watching movies. The apartment wasn't messy and if it was it was probably because of me. Harry has his messy moments where he'd throw his jacket on the ground or even his suspenders, but he would usually come back and pick it up later on in the day. I, on the other hand, tend to forget about the messes, one of the things I know Harry didn't like.

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