18 - The Badass Seed

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"Really? What brought you closer, her trying to drown you?" Spencer asked. 

"And you guys say that I have the bad judgement." Katherine said. 

"She's got a cousin in the military and she's kind of anxious about it." Emily said. 

"Okay, and? She tried to drown you, Em." Katherine said. 

"Did you and Toby figure out that Braille thing yet, what 214 means?" Emily asked Spencer, changing the subject. "You haven't given up, have you?" She asked when Spencer stayed silent. 

"Definitely not. We're still working on it. I'm supposed to drop off his French book after school." Spencer said. 

"Can I do it?" Emily asked. "I haven't seen him since they dropped the charges and we all went to the Grille and I'd kind of like to talk to him again." 

"Yeah." Spencer said, getting the French book out. 

"Maybe now he'll be more willing to hear me when I say I didn't turn him in." Emily said. 

"I thought he already believed you." Katherine said. 

"It's complicated." Emily said.

"Why the hell is that blind bitch talking to Ian?" Katherine asked. 

"I didn't even know that they knew each other." Emily said. 

"There' a lot of things that we don't know." Spencer said. 

"What is that?" Katherine asked, when Ian handed a bag to Jenna. 

"What did he just give her?" Emily asked. 


"So, the play raises an interesting question. Are people born evil or do they learn it? I brought some additional material to give you guys some background on the period." Ezra said. 

"What gives? You and Caleb keep staring at each other through the window." Katherine said. 

"I was in the shower with him." Hanna admitted. 

"What? Seriously?" Katherine asked. 

"Yeah." Hanna said. 

"Was he big?" Katherine asked. 

"You're unbelievable." Hanna said, shaking her head and smiling. 

"So, he was." Katherine said, laughing at how flustered Hanna was getting. 

"Do you need help?" Aria asked, as Ezra messed with the papers. 

"No, I'm good, thanks." Ezra said. "So, I recommend that you read the novel. And to whet your appetites. I copied the first chap-" He said, before dropping the pages. Katherine and Hanna laughed a little bit while him and Aria picked up the pages. "I got it, thanks." He said, waving Aria off. "Why don't you hand out the schedules?" 

"Why is he being kind of a dick?" Katherine asked Spencer, who just shrugged. 

"I think you'll see, even with the novel, Rhoda is not the typical eight year old. Only the janitor is... Yes?" Ezra said, stopping when Ian walked in. 

"I'm guessing this isn't the Varsity Booster Club. My bad. Sorry." Ian said. 

"Learn the halls, Ian." Katherine said, laughing at the older boy. 

"One day, Kat." Ian said, leaving the room. 

"Let's all take a look at the first scene with Rhoda and the janitor. If you'll turn to page twenty-five." Ezra said. 

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