'Hmm What am i going buy here..Oh!!' Himeko look at the side and saw some silky Scarfs,Dresses and more Mostly she look for jewelry as she decided to walk into the seller and asked what kind of brecelete she was holding but the seller doesn't understand her..

"I'm sorry Miss but do you speak Egyptian?" she(The Seller) asked as Himeko realized she was in egypt Gladly she knew how to spoke

"Oh i apologize,i forgot how i used this language ever since i was raised in my place" she said while holding the two bracelet that is hooked together as the seller asked where she lived

"I lived away from this place i just need to go here because i have something to do my place is called japan" the seller Amazed and not realized she was having a smooth white skin and himeko's eye seeing it so kind hearted person and the sellers eyes turned into like this.

"I lived away from this place i just need to go here because i have something to do my place is called japan" the seller Amazed and not realized she was having a smooth white skin and himeko's eye seeing it so kind hearted person and the sellers e...

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after a moment himeko look at the seller and shocked after noticing she was holding her arms and look at her infront almost close to each other

"OH MY RA MISS HOW DID YOU HAVE A BRILLIANT SMOOTH SKIN LIKE THIS!?what did you put tell me tell me tell me tell me!"

'This girl is this her first time seeing a foreigner?!' Himeko look at her and told her all of the things she do when she was at japan

"Ahh i would like to do such a thing like this i wish i will have a smooth skin like yours" The girl said in jealousy as Himeko sighed

"well atleast you knew, but this place isn't similar to japan so theres no other herbs here more than those.." she said looking at the herbs in the other sellers..and then

"Ah!I forgot here take this as my new and first costumer i'll give this one!" himeko was surprised about that one giving her the necklace s
she was holding and it was her first time having a costumer.

"wait your new to this one?" she asked the girl nodded and told her she start selling things yesterday.

"My mother was sick so i need to sell something i don't know how i'm going to give some medicine because i don't have any money to buy.." himeko got worried for her and her mothers health she also noticed how she did not eat a few days now

"Wheres your mother?" the girl look at her and asked why

"Its my business to help others pls accept my offer,I know we just met today but believe me i'm also going to help you guys." the girl cried and hugged her tight as she told one of her friend to look for her merchants as she took himeko to her home dragging her there but did she know that someone is stalking her?

In love with a japanese warrior (Atem x Oc)(Discontinuing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя