1. Chapter

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They both entered the choir room and sat in the exact same seats by the window that they always sat in. Blaine entered the room, closely followed by Kurt. Nick and Jeff snickered. Hardly anyone knew it, but they were the biggest Klaine shippers out there. Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear and Kurt's face turned red. He took a seat on the couch, while Blaine stood in the front of the room.

"Okay, I know not everyone is here, but I wanted to get started. As you know, Nationals are coming up in about three months and I want to make sure we are ready. Now, does anyone have any ideas on what songs we should sing? Of course, I already have a few songs in mind, but I would like to here your suggestions." Blaine said, trying to appear taller. Blaine was the shortest Warbler even though he was the second oldest. Every one of the Warblers loved teasing him about his height, calling him a hobbit. Blaine had become used to this and didn't pay it any mind anymore.

"Perhaps maybe an Adele song?" Nick suggested. Jeff nodded enthusiastically. Truth was, Jeff pretty much agreed to everything Nick said, even though he knew Nick was wrong. It was one of the requirements of being a best friend. Blaine thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"Too predictable." he said simply. Nick slumped back in his seat. Jeff pat him on the back, reassuringly. Nick smiled at his best friend and couldn't help but notice how beautiful his eyes were. Strange how he never noticed that before. Nick shook his head, now was not time for those kind of thoughts.

"How about Pink's 'Raise Your Glass'?" Kurt suggested. Blaine nodded.

"Sounds good, sug- I mean Kurt." Blaine said, rather embarrassed. Unfortunately for Blaine, Nick and Jeff had a "Klaine Detector", detecting where they were at all times, what they were doing, and if their words contained hidden romantic messages.

"Awwww, Blainers. How cute can you be?" Jeff said, hands over his heart, his eyelashes fluttering. Nick made kissing noises.

"Ok, guys. Seriously stop." Kurt said. Nick and Jeff stopped immediately. Little known fact but they were scared of Kurt. Blaine smiled at Kurt and they both exchanged a knowing glance. Jeff looked over at his best friend. He noticed a stray bang in front of his eyes and resisted the urge to push it out of his eyes for him.

Since when had he ever wanted to do that? This was Nick, his best friend! He shouldn't be thinking thoughts like that about Nick. Jeff shook his head, clearing his mind. Nick sat up again and rested his head on his hands. Blaine and Kurt droned on and on about songs for Nationals.

"C'mon, let's leave these guys to it." Jeff said, standing up. Nick nodded. They left the choir room and walked down the empty hallway.

"Your suggestion was good." Jeff said. Nick smiled.

"Blainers is just blinded by his obvious affection for Kurt." Jeff continued. Nick ran his hands through his hair. He wanted to tell Jeff what he had thought back in the choir room, but was afraid that his friend would laugh at him. He best keep these feelings to himself. Unbeknownest to Nick, Jef was thinking the EXACT same thing, but fear caught him by the throat. The two friends headed to their dorm. Nick collapsed on his bed and was asleep within minutes. Jeff looked at his friend. He looked so gosh darn cute, his hair falling into his eyes once more. Jeff pushed the hair out of his friend's eyes, gently as not to wake him. He smiled down at Nick. Jeff quietly climbed up into his bed (Nick and Jeff were the few students who had bunkbeds), kicked off his shoes, slid under the covers and dreamt of Nick.

~hey guys.i hope you like this chapter .sry i'm not so good in englisch.

Your Laura

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