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He smiled as he looked down at his lover who was also smiling, holding their cotton candy with their tongue a bright blue color. Their eyes were filled with joy as they ate and looked at the beautiful lights coming from the rides at the carnival. He sat back as he admired his significant other. He sat there next to them realizing how happy they really were for the first time in a long time. He wraps an arm around them, pulling them close to his chest as he relaxed. His lover smiled and rested their head against them, just happy to be spending time with him. They both missed this. They both missed the time they used to spend together and finally had the chance to just enjoy life while they still could. Before the world ended. Before this was all over. Before they both awoke. Before they both realized that it was just a dream and none of it was truly real. Before they both lay awake on their separate beds, miles and miles apart. Before they realized that this wouldn't happen. Before they both laid there and held their pillows close to their bodies, wishing to be next to each other.

-September 2nd, 2021

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