What Once was Mine

Start from the beginning

"That's not how you win wars, sestra," Yelena informed her, and Natasha grinned a little, raising an eyebrow.

"Careful. Last time you said that, it didn't turn out well for you," Natasha declared, referencing their sleepover with Kate that one night, and Yelena just waved a dismissive hand at her, turning to walk forward as she headed away.

"See you later, Natashka!" Yelena happily called, and Natasha let out a slight sigh as Yelena disappeared from view and a pit started forming in her stomach. Yelena's smiles were too forced, and she had frozen when Natasha had asked about what she was talking to Clint about. And Yelena was also being way too nonchalant about the whole thing.

Something was definitely wrong.

But what Natasha could not figure out was why Yelena had told Clint instead of herself.


Natasha approached Yelena from behind in their little house where Yelena was leaned against the counter and looking out the window above the kitchen sink.

It had been two days since Natasha had caught Clint and Yelena talking, and throughout those two days, Natasha had been increasingly finding the two of them conversing. It was starting to worry Natasha, and she was hoping to have a chance to talk to the blonde about it. The only reason that she had not brought it up before now was because she wanted to give Yelena a chance to confess to whatever was bothering her.

The redhead started to open her mouth to speak as she approached her, but she quickly realized that Yelena was on the phone to someone. Natasha furrowed her brow, confused at Yelena's actions.

Yelena never talked on the phone. She was always a text-sender. Even with Natasha, she almost always would rather text something if she had something to say and they were at two different locations and not on a mission.

Natasha crept up behind her, keeping her footsteps soundless as possible as she padded across the tile.

"Look, Clinton, I appreciate the help. It's... hard for me to ask for it, y'know?" Yelena pointed out quietly, swallowing, and Natasha furrowed her brow, feeling concern rising within her as she looked at her baby sister. What were they talking about? What was hard for Yelena to ask for?

And why was she talking to Clint about it and not Natasha? Natasha felt a twinge of uncomfortableness at the realization that Yelena had obviously been trying to hide something from Natasha that she was struggling with. She also felt something else within her. It was something that was hot and ran just beneath her skin in something akin to anger.

It was something odd that she had never really experienced about anyone or anything before. There were the prickles of something hot and unpleasant within her that bubbled just beneath the overwhelming worry within her.

"Yeah... You're not so bad, Hawkear. I mean, I don't see how Kate thinks you're the coolest Avenger or whatever, but you're not too bad," Yelena commented with a slight laugh, pulling Natasha from her thoughts, and Natasha stepped a bit closer, pausing at the counter island. Yelena nodded just a bit before hanging up the phone after a few moments, and she then turned back in Natasha's direction.

She flinched at the sight of the redhead, and Natasha raised a placating hand in an attempt to calm her baby sister down. Yelena took a deep breath, shaking her head.

"Stalker alert," Yelena teasingly declared, and Natasha just grinned halfheartedly in response.

"Sorry," Natasha expressed before her gaze grew more serious.

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