The Big Day (1st Sequel)

Start from the beginning

"You look gorgeous." He said, as he held out his hand for me.

"Thank you, handsome." I said, as I held his hand and stood facing him.

The ceremony started. The priest was giving long speeches and was reading the Bible.

Meanwhile all of us were growing really impatient. But surely it's impolite to interfere the ceremony and ask 'Can we kiss?'

At last when the long speech ended, the priest closed the Bible and looked at us, smiling.

"Now, I announce Jeon Jungkook to be your legally married husband." He said, facing me.

"And I announce Kim Susan to be your legally married wife." He said, looking at Jungkook.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest said.

I stepped forward to Jungkook as he lowered his face.

"Are you ready for another journey?" He whispered softly.

"I am." I said.

Jungkook smiled and smashed his lips into mine as I kissed him back. The guests all got up from their seats and clapped loudly.

Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon looked the happiest. Their happiness was such, that anyone would think that they got married.

The MinKim whistled loudly as they clapped for us too. Seokjin was jumping with excitement and Yoongi had a really wide smile.

We parted from each other after sharing a long, passionate kiss. The priest congratulated us.

When I and Jungkook walked down from the platform, Dawon unnie quickly walked to us.

"What are we waiting for? Now throw the bouquet!" She said excitedly.

I walked further from everyone and stood, my back facing the others.

Then I closed my eyes and threw my bouquet backwards.

I heard a lot of hustle bustle going on behind me. Then someone shouted "I caught it!"

I turned around to see the fashion reporter, Lalisa Manoban, or as we call her Lisa, shouting, holding the bouquet in her hand and showing it to everyone.

"Congratulations Lisa!" I said, hugging her.

"You should be congratulated today! Congratulations on your wedding!" Lisa said warmly, hugging me back.

When we broke the hug, I saw Taehyung walking towards us.

Then he suddenly bend on one knee infront of Lisa and took a small box out of his pocket.

We all gasped.

"I've been in love with you from the first day I met you in the journal." Taehyung said. "I've been trying to confess my feelings towards you for a long time, but everytime I saw you, I would feel butterflies in my stomach which would make me nervous."

I looked at Lisa, who looked as if she was struck by a lightning.

"But today, Susan indirectly gave me a chance to express my feelings towards you." He said. Then he opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

Lisa gasped loudly.

"Will you be the love of my life?" Taehyung asked, nervousness and hope visible on his face.
(A/n - I'm NOT shipping them. Infact, i hate it when people ship idols. It's just a fiction, and I don't intend on shipping them.)

Lisa covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes really wide.

"Yes! Yes!" She yelled, her hand still covering her mouth.

Taehyung showed his boxy smile, as he gently put the ring on Lisa's ring finger.

"Oh my god! Congrats Lisaaaaaa!" Jennie Kim, who works in the same department as Lisa, came running out of the crowd and hugged her tightly.

I looked at Taehyung in surprise.

"When man? When?" Seokjin asked, shaking Taehyung. Taehyung gave us a shy smile.

"Nevertheless, congrats Tae!" I said, hugging him. He hugged me back.

"Psst, Susan. Jungkook is.... well... not comfortable." Hoseok whispered to me.

I broke the hug and looked at Jungkook. I slapped his chest gently.

"I'll be with you forever untill death parts us, you fool." I said. "There's no need to be jealous."

Jungkook pecked me on my lips.
"I know that." He said.


There was a party thrown in the evening. We all enjoyed a lot.

Taehyung was dancing like crazy while Yoongi was busy drinking.

I didn't even touch the drinks. Drinks are not my arena at all.

There were foods and drinks of all kind.
Everyone was enjoying themselves a lot.

When the party ended at 2 in the morning, we bid everyone goodbye and I drove us home.

My home, because Jungkook's home is under the possession of the government, though we are allowed to visit it sometimes.

We both bathed in turns and changed our clothes.

I was feeling very exhausted, and I was sure Jungkook felt the same.

I laid down on the bed, Jungkook beside me. He backhugged me and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"Tired?" He asked. I nodded.

"Same here." He said. His hot breath trickled my neck.

"You smell so nice." He complemented. I giggled. "Thanks." I said.

"We ate a lot today." He said. "Lots of calories."

"True." I said. "I'll start exercising again from tomorrow."

"Okay, but," he paused. The he climbed over the top of me. "Do you want to exercise now?"

I looked at him in confusion for a few seconds. Then I got it.

"You flirt!" I said, punching his chest lightly. He laughed at my reaction.

"I'm serious Susan," he said, looking actually serious. "I know you're tired but, this night will be worth it."

I looked at him for a few minutes. He looked desperate. The table lamp was still turned on, which lit up half part of his face.

He looked mind blowing.

I cupped his face with my hands.

"Ruin me with your wild love, Jeon Jungkook." I whispered.

Jungkook smirked, his eyes lit up.

"Your wish is my command." He said with a deep, seductive voice, before smashing his lips onto mine.

•~End Of The 1st Sequel~•

♥︎A/n behind the story♥︎

Hello my purple balloons!

Hope ya'll are doing fine!

This chapter was cringe, I know. But this is my first time writing romantic scenes and I've not attended a wedding like this before, so I just wrote what I watched from movies.

Thank you so much!

The 2nd and the Last Sequel is on it's way!

Thank you so much!
Love ya'll! ❤

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