Tony: Everytime I want to die you there. Why Layla why please let me die let me go.

Layla: Are you mad what will your parents think they son died .huh Cisco echo frosted they love you like  a brother. Why do you want to die over some girl .

Tony:  I want to die because I can't love the girl I want to be with but I have to act like I love a girl who sent me to jail and court and depression.i want to die because I can't be with you .I want to die because I can't kiss you .I want to die because I can't live without you in my arms.

He started breaking down crying.

I slowly go towards him and take the gun out of his hand and threw it to sashie and told leave and go to the gang.

I sat Tony down I saw his bloddy shirt because I know he beaten him self up.

Tony:I am sorry I made tears go down your eyes and you worried and and I am just sorry.

He faced his head down.

Layla: apolige accepted but there is only one thing that can make me better .

Tony: What's that ?

Layla: If you lift your shirt do I can dress your wounds .

He lifted his shirt .I took a rag and wiped the blood off him me and him made eyed contact. He leaned into me and kissed me. I couldn't resist to kiss those lips again but I couldn't I pushed him from me.

Layla: No torreto you with Kira you can cheat with me.

I looked down on him.
He lifted my chin up and kissed me more. I pushed him again.

Layla: No Tony please .

Tony: I just wanted to feel how your lips taste like before I get married today to that bitch.

I had tears fill up my eyes.

Layla: you getting married? You better get some rest.

I said leaving the room.

I grabbed my hand.

Tony: 1 more kiss that all Layla please let me feel the love of my life's lips again please.

Layla: no .

I ran out of the house crying.
I jumped into my car
He ran out of the house.
Tony : Layla

I drove off before  he could come to my car.

I drove to the hill and him go to.

I break down crying .
I creamed the hill echoed my scream.

I leaned on my car.

I remember his words.

"I am getting married.i am getting married I am getting married I am getting married "
It ranged iin my head I drove off angry. I stoped at a red light . Then a truck opposite me ran the light a crashed me.

Tonys pov.

I had a quick sleep so I get sobered.i don't remember anything.

I only know I am getting married in a next few hours .I looked to my phone and saw over 100 missed calls from sashie.

I called .

Tony: sashie why so many calls.

Sahsie: Layla go smashed by a truck she is in a hospital she is in Cristal condition and in the ICU. The doctors said they trying their best but it ain't looking to good.

My whole world stopped my love of my life was going to die.i couldn't let that happen.

I ran to my car and drove to the hospital.

I ran to the scetary and she tolded me room 244
I raned up 5 flights of stairs never tired ran to room 244.
I saw the gang their by her bed.

Echo: Tony
She ran and cried into my eyes.
I couldn't believe Layla in the bed with a life support and oxygene tank on her.

I let her go to sahsie.

Tony: Gang let's go kill some people.

The all followed me to Kiras house.

Kira: Baby you hear but why you ain't in a suit .doesn't matter .oh servntants bring my hunk a suit.

Tony: I ain't here to get married to you I came here to get this over with .

She then told her guys to fight us we all got though that we got backed up and they locked them for good .

I drove off once they locked them up .I drove to the hospital.
Got some flowers and a dead saying get well soon .
I ran to her room. She was still unconscious .I put the flowers on the night stand and the card.

I sat next to her . And held her hand.

I whispered into her ear.

Tony: Hey I don't know if you can hear me but Kira is gone locked up with her whole family no one can harm any of us.i need you to be ok I needed you to be alright so that when you wake up  so I can ask you this huge question that might possible change our lives so please Layla Gray come back to me talk to me please I love you.

I kissed her forehead.

Hey guys hoped you'll like the story will update as soon as possible.

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