She has raven purple hair that stops at her shoulders. Fair pale skinned with visible freckles all over her nose and cheeks. My eyes dropped to her name tag Tabitha. "Yes I am" My arms dropped behind my back. Her smile widened showing purple braces on her pearly white teeth. "Am I in the right attire? I mean yeah it's a bakery but as you know probably videos of the interview or something but I left my brother's interview so I couldn't go home and change." I started babbling.

My face is heating up from embarrassment. "You're fine" Tabitha said with a thick accent I can't quite explain. "So we are short staffed for a baker, The interview is really easy. It's just a couple questions, Your availability and any health issues that will prevent you from baking. So at Angel Cakes AC being the abbreviation for the bakery we are a small and friendly community it almost feels like we are family. You seem genuinely sweet which is why this place needs more positivity." Tabitha explained in one breath. Then she looked up with a small smile "Shall we get started?"

"Yes of course" I was happy to finally be doing something on my own. Staying in that house gets tiring from time to time.

After Tabitha asked me the basics which went smoothly. I waited patiently to see if I got the job or not. Soon Tabitha came back with a huge smile on her face. "You start Wednesday at 8 am. Wear something you won't mind getting a little dirty" I stood to shake her hand formally.

I tried to mask my excited expression by acting nonchalant about it "Thank you Tabitha it means a lot" I shook her hand.

I didn't know how to quite feel about this situation. I've never really gotten anything I've wanted before. "Call me Tabs." Tabitha beamed at me. Tabs is kind of a weird nickname but I'll call her Tabs since she asked me too.

After we went over more basics I was good to go. Tabs also recommended I come early on Wednesday so I can meet some of the other staff members.
I went outside and patiently waited for Kayden. Even though we got in an argument and words were said I thought he would pick me up. "Do you need a ride?"

Tab asked me as she came outside with the store keys in her hand, while drowning in her winter coat. "No thanks' ' I hugged myself to keep from freezing. The thought to bring a coat never occurred because I thought I would be inside all day which is- not logical thinking.

"I can't leave you here freezing your ass off. I'll wait with you" She shouldn't do that either. A part of me already knew Kayden wasn't coming. I texted him once asking if he was coming and he didn't respond. He always responds to my text right away when we aren't together. Which is rare. "You don't have to do that either" My whole body felt numb from the cold wind hitting my exposed skin. Tabs rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed with my reluctance.

"I can't have my employees sick. I promise I'm not that crazy" the emphasis she put on that says otherwise. I nodded and Tabs smile only widened. She walked us to the back of the bakery where there was a parking lot "Staff park back here" She led us to a red sports car. As soon as we got in her car it smelled like vanilla. I have Tabs my address and she put it into the GPS. "Do you drive Jules?" I cupped my hands together as the heat started to settle in.

"Yeah I do, My brother just likes to think he's useful so why not play into that" Kaydens problem was that he wants people to depend on him when he isn't as reliable as he thinks he is.

The rest of the drive was silent, Only the soft sound of the heater working. I would ask why she doesn't have the radio on but I'm actually okay with the silence. When she pulled up on the curb by the house I quickly thanked her, we exchanged numbers and I got out of the car stuffing the gum wrapper with her number on it in my pocket.

Taking out my keys I unlocked the door to the house and the sight before me only pissed me off more. The guys were in the living room watching the football game. As the door shut all of their heads peeked up. Ansel was first to say something "Hey Jules, Want some food?" He gestured to the dining table that was full of chips, pizza and other unnecessary foods to have for a game. "No." I walked into the kitchen and set my purse down. "Oh shit. I'm a fucking idiot I'm so sorry I forgot to pick you up. The guys came over and I got wrapped up in the game" Kayden ran a tired hand down his face.

"I'm sure you're sorry" I couldn't quite mask the sarcasm in my voice. I grabbed a beer off the counter, it's been a long day. I opened the top with my mouth and tossed the top in the trash.

I took a long sip before heading upstairs to my room. For the rest of the night I could hear the guys cheering like a bunch of hooligans. After I took a long soothing shower, Since we had guests I threw on a hoodie and pajama pants. Just to cover the scars.

I was pretty bored in my room and my stomach was making weird sounds from hunger. I could pick up a book and read or I could get food. I could go unnoticed.

Slipping on my house shoes I opened my door and crept down stairs. By this time I'm pretty sure they are all wasted. Well except Kayden he tries not to get wasted during the season. Silently giving myself a pat on the back for making it to the kitchen unnoticed.

I opened the fridge and took out avocado pasta, turning my nose up I put it back down in the fridge. The fact Kayden is 'meal prepping' means it's extra hard to find food with fat in it. I moved to the pantry and looked for food, at this point I don't care what kind of food.

I just grabbed a Mac and cheese meal from the freezer and placed it in the Microwave. "Jules you in there!" I heard Ansel call. I turn back to the microwave ignoring Ansel's big mouth. "Hiding?" I hear a voice beside me making me jump, literally an out of body experience. Jovian was standing there with two empty beer bottles in his hand.

"No. If I were hiding I wouldn't stand in the middle of the kitchen." As the microwave beeped I took out my food and put it on a plate.

"So your psychotic breakdown is all over the internet." Jovian never talked to me but when he did it wasn't all flowers and sunshine.

He's somewhat bitchy, one night I went to a party behind Kayden back and he was a little snitch. Like damn I'm over eighteen being caged up.

"Gee thanks I didn't see that" I picked up my plate and walked back upstairs. Getting upstairs I set my phone down and picked up my computer. Using Jovian words I typed in 'Kayden sister.' it wasn't long before many things came up. I clicked on one video, it was captioned angry black woman- then another, then another and it went on for hours. By the time I was finished I lost my appetite for the rest of my Mac and Cheese. I messed up, like always.

The comments weren't any better. I closed my computer before it went any farther and sat on my bed. A couple of tears fell out of my eyes before I could close my eyes

 A couple of tears fell out of my eyes before I could close my eyes

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Have there ever been an embarrassing video of y'all online?

Jules' Curse (#2) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें