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Kaede couldn't suspect. She was convinced she knew love and had been loved before until Guran. The man hated things complicated. He vocalized every wish and concretized every statement.

Straightforward, Kaede knew that if the picture of their relationship had any zigzags, it was her who would draw them.

Guran knew from the first day he met her Kaede had what he needed. Unfortunately for him, back then, he was already in a relationship. He didn't regret his past. He needed to live those experiences to become a man God tailored for her. Guran was a loyal guy. Even if the meal on one's plate looked better, he stuck to his for better or worse. Now he held his heart's desire; he had no plans to let go.

"What's this?" Kaede's asked as Guran deposited a box in her hand. The woman's heart speeded.

Had the time come?

No, their relationship was too young for such a step.

"Eh, I thought perhaps you'd want the keys to my place."

"Guran Iㅡ."

"It's for practical reasons. It would be best if you didn't wait for me outside. I have no secrets. You can lift and turn over any piece of furniture."

Yes, Guran was clean, with no crazy Ex or baby moms.

Kaede could no longer complain about being caught up in the drama. Guran was the first equation where the results added up.



The man was too good to be true. Was he even real?

Guran giggled, "what are you doing?" He asked as Kaede pinched his cheek.

"I'm just checking to see if I'm not dreaming."

"Shouldn't you be pinching yourself in that case?" Guran asked, earning himself a side glance from the woman.



Guran fixed her, and Kaede had the impression he dived into her soul.

"Are you mad?"

"I'm not," Kaede replied and looked at the keys. She knew they weren't just keys but a step forward in the direction Guran wanted them to take.

Kaede gulped as she remembered the engagements she took without telling the man.

"Are you okay?"

Kaede looked up, "I'm fine. It's just they're the keys to your apartment."

"Well, you already have the keys to everything else. They're the dullest piece," the man said and took her hand.

Was it the moment?

Perhaps she should have told him then. It's what she thought when she arrived at Da Stuff later that morning.

"Is Joseph in?"

"He's in his office," Wendy replied.

"I love the checkered dye," Kaede said as she observed the girl's four black and white braids before looking at the black and white XL Ballerina manicure.


Kaede went up. Da Stuff was home. It was the place she went when she needed resourcing. No, correction, he was the person she came to when she needed guidance.

Though she felt at home, she still knocked on the office door before opening it and being welcomed with an, "I am not your father, Kaede."

"Good morning to you too, Joseph."

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