"Uhh-hh.. I came to ask some doubts" ji won lied while you raised your eyebrow at him questionably, he was just trying not to catch off guard with Mr. Jeon anyway.. "oh" Mr. Jeon said, as he walked towards you... "Ms.YN.. are you working on Mr.Kim's files?" Mr.Jeon questioned..

"Yes sir.." you said, taking those files in your hands.. "guess we need to fly to busan for this" he said, while you nodded.. "yes sir.. I thought of the same.. I thought of going alone, taking someone like Mr. Lee or Ms. Han" you said as you glanced at ji won, who smiled widely at your words...

"oh yeah... I'm glad to work with you Ms.YN.... Mr. Jeon, we would take care" ji won said, while his lips curved cheekily, but Mr. Jeon turned at him, raising his brow.. "no need, Mr. Lee... I wanna take care of it myself, also with Ms.YN's help" he said, turning back at you...

"Sure, sir.. why not? your presence would make the work easier" you said while Mr. Jeon faintly smiled, agreeing with you.. then he turned his head to ji won, who was standing there awkwardly... Mr. Jeon raised his eyebrow, stared at him, more like 'what are you waiting for?'

Is he still there?.

"Okay, sir.. I will take you leave.. Bye Ms.YN" he said, waving his hand at you, going back to his cabin, while you walked closer standing in front of Mr. Jeon... "should I book a flight or are we taking our private jet?" You asked, while he sighed before speaking.. "private jet would be more comfortable, isn't it?" He asked, while you nodded with a smile....

"Yes, sir... when are we leaving?" You asked, not taking your eyes off him.. "morning 7, be at Incheon airport... we can come back in the evening" Mr. Jeon said, while you nodded back.. "sure thing, sir" you said, while he just stood there, staring at you, not saying anything...

"Anything else, sir?" You asked, if he had something more to talk.. "no.. you carry on...see you tomorrow" he said, as he turned his heels, walking away from you... you fanned yourself as you were kinda excited about tomorrow....

—— in the airport

"Ms.YN?" Mr.Jeon asked, as he was seated inside his private jet, waiting for you to come... it was 6:50 am already and you were not here, making him worry a little.... "Sir... I'm on the way...5 minutes" you said in the call, as you cursed yourself since you got very late today... but you made sure to go there on time..

Parking your car quickly, you rushed inside the airport, only running all the way to the private jet, waiting for your arrival...

Mr.Jeon, who was seated on his comfy chair, was tapping on the arm rest nervously as he looked at the window since you ain't here yet... "sorry.. I'm really sorry" as he heard your voice, he turned back at you, who came inside his jet, sweating a lot... one of your hand was holding your heels and the other was holding a working bag..

"Ms.YN, are you okay?" He asked, while you flashed him a huge smile, nodding a little, you went towards him, sitting opposite to him... his face was painted with worry and concern... you kept your bag and heels on the floor, you stared at your wrist watch.. it was 7:01 am..

"Sorry, sir... I'm late... I can't believe the traffic of seoul even so early morning" you said, while Mr. Jeon nodded, before taking a water bottle from his side.. "here" he lend his bottle to you which you gladly accepted.. "thank you, sir" you said, calming yourself a bit... in few seconds, you gulped down the water in one go as you were hella thirsty too..

"Relax, you are on time anyway" he said, staring back at the window as he couldn't stare more at your outfit today... a formal white shirt that buttoned up perfectly and a matching black mini skirt that covered half of your thighs, looking absolutely breathtaking with that pony tail and eyelashes..

You took a quick glance at Mr. Jeon's outfit too.. he was more like the jeon jungkook... your lips curled up to a faint smile, looking at the window as the jet started taking off to busan... one hour wasn't a big deal to pass too... he was reading a magazine all the way.. while you were checking few documents for the meeting that would be held after the breakfast...

you asked few doubts to him, interrupting his study, but still he cleared everything he could.. he was so professional... there were not much people... only you two and few of his body guards for his protection...

—- in Busan

Landing on busan, you both went to the hotel to get a quick fresh up and have breakfast as well... you were having the breakfast together.. it was a real quick breakfast as you guys were thinking more about the meeting that going to be held with Kim's..

"Shall we?" Mr. Jeon asked as he stared at your figure, who was wiping her fingers.. "sure sir.. let's go..perfect time" you said, as you stared at your wrist watch one last time..

—- in Mr. Kim's office

Entering into the meeting room, Mr. Jeon went inside first, while you followed him with two steps back... it was like you were already waiting for it.. you knew it would be happening....

"Mr. Jeon... nice to meet you... and-" Mr. Kim hugged him, but stopped his words, when his eyes fell on your figure behind him... "um... " Mr. Kim moved back in perplexity as he wouldn't form any words after seeing you....

"who is she?" Mr. Kim asked, while Mr. Jeon turned back at you.. "oh.. this is my new secretary... Ms. Song YN" Mr. Jeon said decently while you threw a faint smile at Mr. Kim, bowing a little...

"That's great.. well, yeah.. let's go for the meet?" Mr. Kim said, while he glanced back at you and Mr. Jeon.. "yeah.. sure" Mr. Jeon walked towards the round table, while you followed him, sitting next to Mr. Jeon... there was only 7 people around you..

"Good morning, gentlemen" you started the meeting, while everyone pierced their eyes on you.. the meeting went so good... there were few other company officers too.. they were taking few small jobs in this project..

"That's great... meet resumes after the lunch" Mr. Kim said, while everyone nodded their head, getting up from their seats.. bowing to everyone you and Mr. Jeon walking out of the meeting room to have your lunch...

"Ms. YN" a voice behind you, made you stop walking further.. you turned back and saw Mr. Kim, standing over there.. "yes, Mr. Kim? You want something?" Mr. Jeon said, while Mr. Kim shook his head as a no.. you breathed in heavily before walking past Mr. Jeon.. standing infront of Mr. Kim...

Mr. Jeon stared at you both as his face wrinkled in confusion..

It was a pin drop silence.

"Yes, Mr. Kim Namjoon?"

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