Post trial

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It was still settling in. It felt like a dream. Byakuya and Teruteru were both gone. Even after the circumstances of their untimely death, that bear prances around as if he just received a million dollars. Usami, or i guess Monomi now, defeated one of his monobeasts allowing us to access another island. It's still a tragedy but we hope we can find a way to escape. Nanami said she found a certain building so its looking hopeful. Overall the second island contains the mysterious building, a library, a pharmacy, a diner, and a beach house. I've been checking out the locations and it seems the pharmacy is next.

As i walk in i see Mikan sprawled out on the floor with several bottles of pills spread around her. She lets out a squeak as she sees me enter and scrambles to her feet. I walk over to help her clean the mess.

Hajime Hinata: "so why were you on the floor anyway?" i asked as i picked up a particularly heavy bottle.

Mikan Tsumiki: "Ah! I'm so sorry i made you see that! and now you have to clean my mess...Oh there it is!" she shouted snatching the bottle from my hands. "It's donepezil! Its a medication to help with mental function, and i was hoping it could help with our missing memories. Since your here... do you mind being the test subject?" she asked with a slightly eerie look on her face.

Hajime Hinata: "well... i would like to know what my talent is." Mikan opened up the bottle and handed me the recommended dosage. She pulled out a bottle of water from who knows where and i swallowed the pills. They were rather large and uncomfortable but if they worked it would be worth it. She recommended i take it easy as recovering memories can shock the body so i headed back to my cabin and rested for a while.

A few hours i woke up to a knocking on my door.

Mahiru Koizumi: "Hinata are you coming to dinner? Everyone is waiting and it wont be long before Akane starts gorging herself."

Hajime Hinata: "I'll be there in a second" i replied as I sat up. Before i can even get out of bed, the TV turns on.


Monokuma: "All students please report to Jabberwocky Park immediately! Attendance is mandatory!"

I guess i'll have to wait to eat, sighing i opened the door and left. By the time i got there, everybody else had already arrived. Monokuma started his idea of comedy but i didn't focus on it, until one word particularly stuck with me. Experimental. I couldn't concentrate on anything else. it was as if that word was filling my entire head. Experimental... Experiment.. I looked around, maybe this was Monokumas doing but everyone was gone, replaced by men in lab coats. They stood around me holding different vials and clipboards. They were all staring at me and i couldn't leave. One took a needle to my arm and i swung at them pushing them away.

A female scream snapped me back to reality. Nanami was on the ground holding her face. Everyone else was staring at me as if i was a wild animal.

Monokuma: "Woah ho ho! What's his problem? You haven't even played the game yet!"

Nanami and gotten back on her feet but she kept her distance from me. Had i hit her..? A barrage of angry and confused yells started to come at me.

Kazuichi Soda: "Dude what the hell!?

Mahiru Koizumi: "Chiaki are you okay? What was that for!?"

Akane Owari: "If you wanna fight, fight me! not her!" She shouted stepping in front of Nanami and punching one fist into the other.

Hajime stared at them all not moving an inch. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his head and blacked out.

Hajime Hinata stood facing his class, not moving as if he were stone. He finally closed his eyes and let out a long breathe. Opening his eyes again he immediately turned toward Monokuma ignoring the others protests and remarks.

Akane Owari: "Don't Just ignore me-" her voice was cut off with a choke as Hinata swiftly chopped his hand into her throat within a single second. She fell to the ground gasping as Nekomaru and Mikan ran to her side. Returning to Monokuma, he picked up the bear.

Hajime Hinata: "Tell me bear. Where is your controller. What has become of the despairs."

Monomi: "D-despairs? What are you talking about!?" Monomi said shaking while glancing to the side.

Hajime Hinata: "Don't try hiding it." He said, clenching his teeth pulling Monokuma up to his face. He started to lean back and forth and he dropped Monokuma. He put his hand to his mouth and coughed up a handful of blood.

Hajime started to regain consciousness and saw his hand was splattered with blood and had a vile smell. He saw Monokuma stomping in front of him, complaining about how he can't pick him up. He turned to see several glares and confused stares directed at him, more angry than not.

Hajime Hinata: "guys...?" he called out weakly as he shook a little. he fell to his knees as he went into a coughing fit. He heard Mikan crying to the others about how she had caused this then fell over as his breathing slowed.

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