"Tibbles did us well" Julie grinned laying on her bed

"This is great I'm gonna start decorating" Lexi grinned bouncing with excitement.

DJ smiled at the girls as they rushed around to adjust to the room.

"Now I just need to know where Guy's room is and I'll be set" Connie smirked biting her lip slightly

"Connie" DJ laughed at the girls face

"What it's true" Connie defended

"A woman has to know where her man is" she hummed

"Is guy technically a man yet" Lexi asked curiously

"Let's not talk about it Lexi Lou" Connie nodded dismissing the topic


"Lights were supposed to be out 10 minutes ago" Lexi whined, coming off her coffee high

"Hold on I'm almost done" DJ nodded pacing back and forth between the bathroom and her bags

"You can't possibly be stir crazy already. We've only been here for a day" Julie mumbled sleepily

"I'm not I'm just checking to make sure everything is in the right place" DJ confirmed as she played with her hands

"For the 100th time" Connie confirmed before getting out of bed and walking across the hall.

A few seconds later she came back in with Adam before she flopped down on her bed.

"Come on DJ" Adam nodded rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes

"Where are you taking her" Julie asked as Adam pulled DJ away to the door

"We're going for a walk" He answered gently rubbing Lia's shoulder

"But it's past curfew" Lexi reminded

"It'll get her to sleep, no one will know unless you tell" he shrugged shutting the door

"More sleep for me" Lexi hummed closing her eyes


"Do you want to tell me what's wrong" Adam asked swinging their interlocked hands

"Felicity wrote to me before we left for LA" DJ admitted

Adam stopped walking for a second turning his full attention to her.

"What did she say"

"Same thing as usual, that I should come out to see her while we're here. That she has a room waiting for me" she explained

"Did you write back" he asked softly

"No. But what if she actually comes and tries to take me again" the girl panicked

"Do you really think I would let that happen" Adam asked gently rubbing her back

"You know be better than that"

"I won't let anything happen I promise" he smiled comfortingly

"I don't know what I'd do without you" DJ whispered burying her head in his neck

"You'd probably explode" he teased before guiding her back to her room

"Goodnight sweetheart" Adam smiled kissing her head

"Night night" Lia smiled tapping his nose


"What the hell is that noise" Connie groaned rolling over

"Portman is playing his stupid music" Julie scoffed covering her ears

"They just better not wake DJ up. She's inconsolably cranky when she's woken up" Connie sighed

"Someone better be dying" Julie shouted as there was a banging on the door

"Why is going on" Lia grumbled sitting up and marching towards the door

"Uh oh" Lexi said sleepily

"What lex" Julie sighed

"Lee lee has her cranky pants on" the girl whispered before plopping her head back on her pillow

"What the hell is going on" DJ exclaimed opening the door

Charlie landed face first in front of her while everyone else remained frozen. Adam had a pillow is one hand and the collar of Guy's shirt in the other. Dwayne was covered in shaving cream while Averman, Goldberg, and Luis all held their shaving cream covered hands up in innocence. Portman and Fulton held their hockey stick guitars closely.

"Just uh having some fun" Charlie offered as an explanation

"You go wash your face and you three clean yourselves up and apologize" the girl said strictly

"You give me that pillow and all three of you go to bed" she pointed at Adam, guy, and Charlie

"And you two turn that obnoxiously loud music off so we can all get some sleep" she exclaimed at Dean and Fulton

"Yes ma'am!"

Everyone panicked rushing away.

"Woah woah short stack who made you the boss of us" Portman scoffed

"I'll show you who made me boss" the girl gritted reaching for his hockey stick before getting pulled away by Adam.

"Alright cranky pants let's go to bed" he nodded pulling her to his room

"But he's being an asshole" she grumbled crossing her arms

"I know, but it's time to go to sleep" Adam smiled patting her head

"I thought the girls weren't allowed in the dorms" averman huffed

"Considering I think none of you want to get murdered, it's okay for one night. Besides our coach isn't staying in his dorm, why should we have to follow the rules" Adam shrugged.

"Goodnight everyone" he waved before closing his door

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